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词汇 敲响
例句 His diagnosis of cancer was a wake-up call to all of us about the dangers of smoking.他的癌症诊断给所有人敲响了吸烟有害健康的警钟。The church clock struck midnight.教堂敲响了午夜的钟声。It's another nail in the coffin of the economy of rural Scotland.这又敲响了苏格兰农村经济的丧钟。They sounded a gong to summon us to dinner.他们敲响了锣,召集我们去吃晚饭。A little later the church bell clanged.过了一小会儿,教堂的钟当当地敲响了。They rang the bells to sound the alert.他们敲响了钟,发出警报。Finally, the clock strikes.最后,钟敲响了。He gonged so that he could order another teacake.敲响了锣,好再要一份茶点心。The tax increase sounded the death knell for the business.税收增加为这家公司敲响了丧钟。As the town clock struck two, they heard the roll of drums.当小镇的时钟敲响两点钟时,他们听到了隆隆的鼓声。The funeral procession left the church as the bells began to toll.钟声开始敲响,送葬队伍离开了教堂。The clock in the church struck twelve, and soon after people began to stream out.教堂的钟敲响了十二点,不久人们便开始鱼贯而出。Church bells tolled as people gathered for the service.人们聚在一起做礼拜时,教堂的钟声缓缓敲响That amounts to driving the last nail into the coffin of détente.那等于是为缓和敲响了丧钟。Failure would ring the doom of the organization.失败将会敲响这个组织的丧钟。The pilgrims tolled the bell.朝圣者缓缓敲响了钟。An editorial in The Times sounds a cautionary note.《泰晤士报》上的一篇社论敲响了警钟。Many people thought that the Internet would sound/ring/toll the death knell for newspapers. 许多人认为互联网敲响了报纸的丧钟。For the insurance industry, these floods were a wake-up call.对保险业来说,这些洪水敲响了警钟。That report drove the final nail in the company's coffin.那份报告为公司敲响了丧钟。The low test scores should serve as a loud wake-up call to teachers.不佳的测验成绩应该给老师们敲响了重重的警钟。We awoke to the chimes of a nearby church.我们醒来时附近教堂的钟声正在敲响Across the valley, church bells were chiming.山谷的那边,教堂的钟声在敲响I heard a clock chime softly in the next door room.我听到隔壁的房间里钟声在轻轻敲响In the distance a church bell was ringing.远处教堂的钟敲响了。The grandfather clock gave off its hourly chime.这个落地式大摆钟敲响整点的钟声。The strike sounded a warning to all employers in the industry.这次罢工给这一行业的所有雇主敲响了警钟。Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered.教堂丧钟敲响,黑色的旗帜飘动。The funeral bell tolled solemnly.丧钟庄严肃穆地敲响The town hall clock struck midnight.市政厅的钟敲响了午夜的钟声。Alarm bells are beginning to sound at Westminster.威斯敏斯特的警钟已开始敲响




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