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词汇 数落
例句 Campbell dressed them down in public.坎贝尔当众数落了他们一顿。Don't ride me so hard over my failure.不要因为我的失败而一个劲儿地数落我。He was chewing the rag at me the whole afternoon.他整个下午唠唠叨叨数落我。He's been binding to me about you.他一直在我面前数落你。Stop going on at him all the time!别再老是数落他!The moment she left, the rest of the family started to pull her to pieces.她刚一离开,家里人就开始七嘴八舌地数落她。Caroline would give me hell if she thought I'd lied.如果卡罗琳认为我撒了谎,她会狠狠地数落我一番。Quit going on at me all the time!别老是数落我!Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody like that?你为什么要在大家面前那样数落我?She started on at him about the way he's always looking at other women.她开始数落起他来,埋怨他老盯着其他女人看个不停。Dad's always on my case about something or other.爸爸总是为这样那样的事数落我。They don't like my moustache and my long hair, they get at me whenever they can.他们不喜欢我的小胡子和长发,一有机会便数落我。He'll go on at me for telling.他会因为我嘴快而没完没了地数落我。Mom turned away from Rose and started in on me.妈妈转过头背向罗丝,开始数落起我来。She gave me a stern lecture on ingratitude.她严厉地数落我如何忘恩负义。She spent the whole evening slagging off her ex-boyfriend.她整个晚上都在数落以前男友的不是。Her parents are always putting her down.她的父母总是数落她。My dad is always talking at me.我爸爸总是一味地数落我。He was behind/ahead in the count. 他投出的球数落后/领先。Why don't you get off my back! I'm doing my best.你别再数落我了行不行?我正尽力而为。I was going to tell him off— in spades.我将毫不留情地数落他。The fans have been riding him pretty hard.那些粉丝们一直不停地狠狠数落他。My mother keeps getting at me about the state of my room.我的母亲总是数落我的房间又脏又乱。I had a real row with him. I tore into him.我和他大吵一架,把他狠狠地数落了一顿。




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