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词汇 数目
例句 The exact number of people carrying the virus is unknown.病毒携带者的准确数目还不清楚。She owes a large but unspecified amount of money.她欠了一大笔钱,但具体数目不知道。She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.她从祖母那里继承了一笔数目可观的遗产。I had a little scare when I saw how much the bill was.我看到账单的数目时有点吓了一跳。The figures involved are truly very large.涉及数目确实非常庞大。She exclaimed in astonishment at the size of the bill.她看到帐单上的数目吓得叫起来。The tax represents a real bite out of worker's wages.这项赋税在工人的工资中占有可观的一笔数目There are no easy answers to the alarming number of mass killings taking place in our cities.要解决我们城市里数目惊人的集体屠杀事件并不容易。He was typically vague about the amount of money involved.像往常一样,他对所花钱的数目说得很含糊。The hotel bill is rather too salt.旅馆账单上的数目稍微大了一点。Let's go through the numbers together.我们一起把这些数目过一遍。The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum.长途电话费数目相当可观。That bankroll would choke a horse.那笔资金数目极大。The royals have always been patrons of charities pulling in large donations.王室成员一向热心慈善事业,捐资数目巨大。They rejected our estimate and suggested a lower figure.他们拒绝接受我们的估价,提出了一个较低的数目Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.亿万富翁通常对自己身家的确切数目讳莫如深。We were all taken in by the scheme and invested far more money than we should have.我们全都给这计谋骗了,投资进去的钱远远超过了合理的数目He totted up the figures.他把那些数目加了起来。The official figures are a gross underestimate of the true number.官方估计数字显然大大低于真实数目We were presented with a much larger bill than we had expected.账单送来,数目比我们预计的大得多。Surprising numbers of food handlers have poor personal hygiene.数目惊人的食品操作者不注意个人卫生。Groups have to match any grant they receive with their own cash.各团体必须提供与所得拨款数目相等的现金。This year's funding for the program is based on the number of applications that we received last year.该项目本年度的拨款根据我们去年所接到的申请数目而定。The Greek infantry soldiers are very adept at forming phalanx to deal with enemies when they were outnumbered.希腊的步兵们非常擅于使用方阵来对付数目强大的敌人。Are you sure of your figures?你对你的数目有把握吗?In business, the name of the game is the bottom line.做生意最要紧的就是盈亏的数目The young girls she treats in alarming numbers are the victims of broken homes and parental neglect.她治疗的少女数目惊人,都是破碎家庭和父母疏忽照顾的受害者。Let's go through the numbers together and see if a workable deal is possible.我们一起把这些数目过一遍,看能不能找出个可行方案。He dug into his pocket for change and found the correct coin.他到口袋里掏零钱,找出一个硬币,不多不少恰恰是应付的数目The sum collected wants but a few dollars of the desired amount.所收集的金额比所期望的数目只差几美元了。The brain learns by adjusting the number and strength of these connections.大脑通过调节这些连结的数目和强度进行学习。The government is running a huge deficit.政府正在积累数目巨大的赤字。Write the amount in both words and figures.请用文字和数字两种形式将数目写出来。Unpaid bills began to pile up alarmingly.未支付的账单越积越多,数目惊人。There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目Iran reached a non-nuclear agreement with the world powers and promised that it would reduce the number of centrifuges by two thirds.伊朗与列强达成的禁核协议保证它将会把分离机的数目削减三分之二。The amount of money we raised was beyond our wildest dreams.我们筹集到的钱的数目之大完全超出了我们的意料。The amount was misstated in the table because of an error by regulators.由于校准者的失误,图表里的数目并不准确。An increasing number of malaria cases are reported each year.上报的疟疾病例数目逐年增多。The court awarded her an unspecified amount of money.法庭判给她一笔钱,数目不详。




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