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词汇 教导
例句 Some religions teach that we are reincarnated many times on the way to enlightenment.有些宗教教导说,我们在通往大彻大悟的路上要经过多次转世。Nurses are taught how to identify and treat the symptoms of poisoning.教导护士如何识别和处理中毒症状。For years we were taught that Uncle Sam and foreign investment were the problem.多年以来我们都被教导美国和外资乃是问题所在。My parents brought me up to respect authority. 从小父母就教导我要尊重权威。His teachings were accepted as oracles by the older generation.老一代人将他的教导当作圣言。Parents should teach their children to behave properly in public.家长应该教导子女在公共场合表现得体。This is totally inconsequential with the message of Jesus.这个结果和耶稣的教导完全无关。Most religions teach you to be truthful…大部分宗教都教导人要诚实。As a result of his mother's teaching, he never wasted any food.由于母亲的教导,他从不浪费食物。He is good at teaching his students to reason.他擅于教导学生如何推理。As a child she was taught that she would be damned for her sins.她从小就受教导,有了罪过要受到惩罚。My father taught me to seize the day. 父亲教导我要把握当下。Schoolchildren are taught that stories should have a beginning, a middle and an end.老师教导学生故事应有开头部分、中间部分和结尾部分。We'd been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad.我们从小就被教导借钱是不好的行为。She instilled in the children the virtues of good hard work, and making the best of what you have.她慢慢给孩子们灌输勤奋工作的品德,教导他们充分利用现有的条件。He gained valuable experience and training under his father's tutelage.他在自己父亲的教导下获得了宝贵的经验与锻炼。His parents always told him to respect his betters.他父母总是教导他要尊重长者。In my day, children were brought up to respect the law.我小时候,小孩子从小都被教导要守法。I was brought up to spend money carefully and save as much as I could.我从小被教导用钱要谨慎,并要尽量多存钱。She has dedicated her life to teaching and molding young children into responsible adults.她毕生都致力于将孩子教导和塑造成负责任的成年人。She believes that too much instruction constrains an artist's creativity.她认为,过多的教导会束缚艺术家的创造力。We aim to teach the children discipline and instil a sense of duty.我们旨在教导儿童守纪律,并给他们灌输责任感。We were taught to avoid certain locutions when speaking.我们被教导说话时要避免使用某些惯用语。He studied music under the tutelage of his father. = He studied music under his father's tutelage. 他在父亲的教导下学习音乐。Children look to their teachers for enlightenment.孩子靠他们的老师来教导Youngsters must be educated about the dangers of drugs.一定要教导年轻人有关毒品的危害。He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God.教导信徒们说,他们都可以升入天国。He taught his children to be respectful of other cultures.教导他的孩子们要尊重其他文化。We were taught to chew our food thoroughly before swallowing.我们被教导吃东西要完全嚼烂后再咽下去。I was taught that abortion is wrong, even though it's not illegal.人们教导我,堕胎虽然算不上犯法,但是不道德的。Grandmother taught us to practice good manners.祖母教导我们要有礼貌。Joe's mother taught him that he could do anything, if only he tried hard enough.乔的母亲教导他,只要努力尝试,便能做成任何事。They were taught to obey their father's will without question.他们被教导要完全遵从父亲的意志,不得有任何质疑。I was taught from an early age to always speak my mind.我从小就受到教导,心里怎么想就怎么说,在任何时候都应如此。Parents should teach their children how to behave in company.父母应当教导孩子怎样在别人面前举止得体。We were taught how to curtsy to the Queen.我们被教导应该如何向女王行屈膝礼。The Bible teaches that all people are equal before God.《圣经》教导说,在上帝面前人人平等。What the teacher was saying went against everything his parents had taught him.老师的话跟他父母教导他的全然不同。My parents pounded it into my head never to talk to strangers.我父母再三教导我决不要和陌生人交谈。The children were taught to show proper deference to their elders.孩子们受到教导,要对长辈有礼貌。




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