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词汇 救济金
例句 The family lives off welfare.这家人靠救济金过日子。He's been living off state benefits.他一直靠国家救济金度日。Families on social security benefits will be harshly affected.依靠社会救济金生活的家庭将受到严重的影响。The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.政府不愿意看到毕业生领着救济金却什么也不干。Students used to be allowed to go on the dole in the summer holidays, but the government has stopped that.学生以前可以在暑假里领取失业救济金,但现在政府已停止这样发放救济金了。How much did you contribute to the relief fund?你为那笔救济金捐了多少? You must register as unemployed in order to claim benefit.你必须申报失业,才能申领救济金The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.政府不能指望毕业生们领着救济金、无所事事。They lose their entitlement to benefit when they start work.他们一开始工作就会失去享受救济金的资格。Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity.她丈夫失业了,全家人靠救济金过日子。It is now compulsory for anyone claiming state benefit to register with a job centre.现在凡向国家申请救济金的人都必须到职业中心去登记。He had siphoned off a small fortune in aid money from the United Nations.他从联合国的救济金中非法挪走了一小笔钱。Few rich people can really appreciate the position of the single mother living on welfare.有钱人很少能真正理解单身母亲靠救济金过活的这种境遇。Once I've paid for my rent and food, most of my Social Security is used up.支付了房租和吃用花销后,我的社会救济金就用去一大半了。It is not always clear whether a claimant is entitled to benefit.申请人是否有资格领取救济金并不总是很清楚。Women's rights groups have cried out against the proposed cut in benefit paid to single mothers.妇女权益团体对减少单身母亲的救济金的提议表示强烈反对。Thousands of people who should get welfare payments never even bother to claim them.许多应该拿救济金的人甚至连申请也懒得去申请。Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole.大多数政府就让那些长期失业的人领着救济金颓废度日。He had siphoned off a small fortune in aid money from the UN.他从联合国的救济金中挪走了一小笔钱。She managed to get her money out of the welfare office, but only after a struggle.她费了好大的劲才从福利局拿到了属于她的救济金He was quizzed about his income, debts and eligibility for state benefits.他被问及收入、债务以及是否有资格享受政府发放的救济金等问题。The very poorest parents are not in work, they are living on benefit.正是这些极端贫困的父母没有工作,靠救济金过活。The benefits system provides a safety net for those in real need.这一救济金系统为那些真正需要的人提供了一个安全保障体系。My father lost his job and we had to go on relief.我父亲失业了,我们只能靠救济金生活。He is receiving benefit.他正在领取救济金The Prime Minister is believed to have ruled out cuts in child benefit or pensions.据信首相已经排除了削减儿童救济金或养老金的可能。Any further increase in benefits would be a disincentive to working.进一步提高救济金就会遏制人们的工作热情。They siphon foreign aid money into their personal bank accounts.他们把国外救济金转入了个人银行账户。Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population.战争年代的救济金也没有惠及所有的人。Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register.更为严格的救济金申领规定将很多人剔除出了失业登记表。The Prime Minister has ruled out cuts in child benefit.首相已经阻止了儿童救济金的削减。She is worried that if she takes on a job she will lose her benefits.她担心如果工作的话,救济金就没了。Benefit is paid fortnightly in arrears.救济金延后两个星期支付。The Department of Social Security can only issue benefits on receipt of your claim form.社会保障局只有在收到索赔申请表后才能发放救济金The criminal has unfairly appropriated benefits.罪犯用不正当手段挪用了救济金There's a social stigma attached to receiving welfare.对于领取社会救济金存在一种社会偏见。I spent years on the dole trying to get bands together and I never worried about money then.我多年靠救济金过活,一直在努力组建乐队,那时,我从不为钱发愁。More unemployed people are joining the dole queue each week.每周都有越来越多的失业者加入领取救济金的行列。Relief payments percolated the economy.各种各样的救济金造成经济负担沉重。Check your eligibility for State benefits.审核你是否符合领取国家救济金的条件。




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