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I just had to cobble this meal together from what I had in the fridge.我只得用冰箱里现成的东西凑合这顿饭。The diplomats rushed to cobble together a treaty.外交官们匆忙拼凑了一份条约。They worked quickly to cobble up a temporary solution.他们迅速拼凑了一个临时解决方案。You can cobble it together from any old combination of garments.把以前的衣服随便搭配一下就能拼凑出一套。We were always searching for bits of junk we could cobble together into something artistic.我们一直在搜寻可以拼搭成艺术品的小块废料。Most streets were cobble-stone.多数街道是用圆卵石铺成的。 |