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词汇 救助
例句 The United Nations has appealed for urgent international action to relieve famine in large areas of Africa.联合国呼吁采取紧急国际行动,针对非洲大面积地区的饥荒提供救助They came on a mission/errand of mercy to provide food and medical care for starving children.他们此行的目的是救助饥饿儿童,为他们提供食品以及医疗救护。You should seek medical help immediately if you experience any chest pain or shortness of breath.要是胸痛或气短,得马上寻求医疗救助It is high time the Government displayed a more humanitarian approach towards victims of the recession.政府早该对受到经济衰退影响的人们采取更加人性化的救助措施。A suit was filed for failure to assist a person in danger.一场诉讼被提起,原因是未能对身处危险的人提供救助She's received plaudits for her work with homeless people.她因救助无家可归者而受到赞扬。She runs a charity for homeless young people.她经营着一家救助无家可归的年轻人的慈善机构。Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month.救助官员说第一批紧急援助的小麦和食用油是上月发放到这里的。If you would like to send a donation, you can make a cheque out to Feed the Children.您如果有捐款的意愿,可以填写一张支票寄给救助儿童基金会。The aid appeal has galvanised the German business community.这份救助呼吁已经促使德国的工商业界行动了起来。The national health system saved him from becoming a cripple.在国民医疗保健系统的救助下,他免于致残。The federal government bailed out their struggling company.联邦政府出资救助困难企业。The government has refused to bail out the bank.政府拒绝对该银行进行救助Survivors were helped to safety.幸存者们得到救助,到了安全的地方。The victims need prompt medical assistance.受害人需要马上得到医疗救助He believes in taxing the rich to give to the poor.他认为应该对富人征税来救助穷人。Immunization is an important part of Save The Children's work.疫苗接种是救助儿童会工作的一项重要内容。We are targeting assistance towards people on low incomes.我们的救助是针对那些低收入的人的。It is difficult to know wherein Mr Ritchie hoped to find salvation for his country.很难弄清里奇先生希望从哪里为他的国家求得救助These children are in dire need.这些孩子亟需救助Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless. He calls it a paradise compared to the camp.斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。Aid, however it is obtained, is demeaning to the recipients.不管救助是如何取得的,对受益人来说都不是很光彩的事。It's very hard for battered women to rebuild their lives without a good support network.如果没有一个得力的救助协会的帮助,受虐妇女很难重新开始新的生活。The unemployed are cushioned by social-security benefits.失业者受社会保险津贴的救助He jumped into the water to aid the drowning child.他跳入水中救助那个溺水儿童。When the climbers became trapped by bad weather, a rescue party was sent to their aid. 登山者们因恶劣天气受困时,一支救援队前往救助The Red Cross has arranged two local ceasefires, allowing non-combatants to receive medical help.红十字会已经安排了两次地区停火,以使平民能够接受医疗救助What relief measures are afoot from the government for the wounded in this accident?对这些伤患而言,政府正在采取那些救助措施呢? The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。His efforts have helped to save thousands, if not millions, of lives.他的努力即使没有救助数百万人的性命,也有成千上万了。The flood victims were in instant need of help.水灾难民急需救助They appealed for more money to aid the homeless.他们呼吁捐出更多的钱来救助无家可归的人。Jobclub can help you with job hunting.失业救助所可以为您在求职方面提供帮助。She is due to meet with local officials to discuss possible relief projects.她将与地方官员见面,讨论可能的救助项目。They were busy providing succor to the injured.他们忙著为受伤者提供救助We made our premises available to the organizations in charge of flood relief.我们提供房舍给负责洪灾救助的组织使用。The president has ordered a speed-up of aid for the unemployed.总统已下令加快对失业者实行救助There are legitimate disagreements about the best way to help the poor.关于救助穷人的最佳方式存在合理的反对意见。She rescues pets that have been heartlessly abandoned.救助那些被无情抛弃的宠物。




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