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词汇 敌军
例句 They were told to hold their fire until the enemy came closer.他们被告知等敌军逼近点儿再开枪。The sensors provide early warning of the approach of enemy troops.这些探测设备对敌军的到来提供早期预警。The artillery had a field day with the enemy positions.火炮向敌军阵地大发威力。The army drove off the enemy with much loss of life.军队遭受惨重伤亡,击退了敌军The army's leaders mistook the strength of the enemy. 军方领导低估了敌军的实力。The troops prepared to engage the enemy.军队准备与敌军交战。The airfield was seized by enemy troops.机场被敌军占领。Thousands of airborne troops parachuted behind enemy lines.数千名空降兵伞降到了敌军后方。The attack flung the enemy force into confusion.敌军被打得一片混乱。Use artillery to soften up the enemy forces.用大炮来削弱敌军The enemy troops took us completely by surprise.敌军在我们完全没有防备的情况下突袭了我们。The enemy were forced to make an unconditional surrender.敌军被迫无条件投降。The enemy troops have come within striking distance of the city.敌军已进入城市的攻击距离。It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy.毫无疑问,盟军一次大规模的进攻就会击溃已是强弩之末的敌军New troops were parachuted into enemy territory.新部队空降到敌军领地。The general surveyed the forces arrayed against him.将军查看了敌军的部署情况。Your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river.你的任务是破坏这条河上所有的桥梁,以孤立敌军Enemy forces have consolidated their hold on the northern province.敌军已经巩固了他们对那个省份北部的控制。We replied to the enemy's attack with a barrage.我军以齐射的炮火回击敌军的进攻。The enemy was in full retreat on the west bank of the river.敌军在西岸全线撤退。The enemy might make a descent on Greece.敌军可能会突袭希腊。The enemy troops stormed the castle.敌军对城堡发动猛攻。He met his death at the hands of enemy soldiers.他死在敌军的手里。The enemy were pursued for two miles.敌军被追出两英里。Enemy troops are closing in all around us!敌军正在对我方形成包围!They put the enemy to rout. 他们迫使敌军溃逃。The opposing forces maneuvered quickly.敌军迅速地部署兵力。The ship discharged missiles against enemy targets.军舰向敌军目标发射导弹。Enemy forces have taken the airport.敌军已经占领了机场。They raided the enemy positions with lightning speed.他们以闪电般的速度袭击了敌军阵地。The city is under assault from enemy troops.这座城市正受到敌军的袭击。Enemy fighters sniped at them from vacant buildings.敌军从空置的大楼里向他们打冷枪。The battalion fought a night action against an enemy column.该营与敌军纵队进行了一夜小规模战斗。An expedition reconnoitered the coast to find out the exact location of enemy forces.一支探险队侦察了海岸线,以查明敌军的准确位置。The expeditions behind enemy lines were a tremendous test of one's endurance and nerves.敌军后方远征是对一个人的耐力和勇气的极大考验。The enemy gave up without resistance.敌军没有抵抗就投降了。The ground was littered with the corpses of enemy soldiers.地上横七竖八地躺着敌军的尸体。The commander decided to assault the enemy in the darkness.指挥官决定夜袭敌军He had the men and equipment to fight the battle on equal terms.他拥有的士兵和装备使他能够和敌军势均力敌。They're making a final push against enemy forces.他们正在对敌军发起最后一次猛攻。




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