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例句 The design achieves a perfect blend of form and function.这个设计达到了形式与功能的完美结合。To summarize, in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set.总的说来,在大多数情况下这些学校都达到了所定的标准。He brought the art of photography to the highest point of perfection.他使摄影艺术达到了完美的顶峰。Unemployment peaked at 8.1% in June.六月份失业率达到了百分之八点一的高峰。The imitation of leaves by certain butterflies is unbelievably perfect.某些蝴蝶的叶形拟态达到了难以置信的乱真程度。The band played with a winning combination of gusto and precision.乐队在演奏激情与精确性之间达到了水乳交融的境界。The crop fulfiled expectations.收成达到了预期的产量。He's drilled the choir to a high standard.经过他的反复训练,合唱团已经达到了较高的水平。Her voice reached a crescendo when she sang the last aria in Madame Butterfly.在「蝴蝶夫人」的最后唱段中,她的声音达到了最高点。He has reached the top of the tree as a surgeon.作为外科医生,他的成就达到了登峰造极的地步。The indignation of the crowd had reached white heat.人群的愤怒已经达到了白热化的状态。They got off at the same time.他们俩同时达到了性高潮。Their argument got to the stage of pointless bad temper.他们的争论达到了无谓吵闹的地步。The technology has reached a tipping point.该技术已经达到了一个转折点。The plane touched the speed of sound in a power dive.飞机在俯冲骤降时达到了音速。I attained a state of calmness and confidence.达到了一种镇定自若、信心十足的状态。She got what she wanted by dint of pleading and threatening.她软硬兼施终于达到了目的。The egomania rose to a crescendo.利己狂达到了无以复加的地步。He has attained peak fitness this season.这个赛季他的状态达到了顶峰。Vocally, it is often a very accomplished performance.就演唱而言,表演常常称得上达到了很高的水准。She has achieved/reached the pinnacle of success.达到了成功的顶峰。She soon saw that her accusation had found its mark.她很快就看到,她的指控达到了目的。Yesterday marked the climax of the celebrations.昨天标志着庆祝活动达到了高潮。His fame was at its acme.他的名望达到了巅峰。Somehow Karin managed to cope with the demands of her career.卡琳设法达到了其职业的要求。This elopement was the copestone of his misfortunes.这场私奔使他的不幸达到了顶点。The anticipation surrounding the band's arrival is now at fever pitch.对乐队到来的期盼现在达到了高潮。The report on the riot exposed a prison system that is stretched to breaking point.关于暴动的报道暴露出监狱系统已经达到了承受极限。After a while she reached the saturation point and could absorb nothing more from the lectures.她一会儿功夫就达到了饱和点,便再也不能从讲课中吸收更多的信息了。The factory has been running at peak capacity for the past year.过去的一年,工厂已经达到了最大的生产能力。The water level in Lake Taihu has reached record levels.太湖水位达到了历史最高值。In training, she pushed her body to its physical limits.训练中,她达到了身体的极限。The dispute came to a head yesterday.昨天那场争论达到了白热化的程度。Tension in the area has reached a dangerously high pitch.这个地区的紧张状态已经达到了极其危险的程度。They've just finished a sell-out U.K. tour that climaxed with a three-night stint at Brixton Academy.他们刚刚结束了在英国的巡回演出,这次演出场场爆满,在布里克斯顿学院的最后三晚达到了高潮。The latest raise takes his salary into six figures.最近一次加薪使他的薪水达到了六位数。The company registered over one billion dollars in sales.公司销售额达到了十多亿美元。Temperatures have reached positive figures for the first time for three weeks.三周以来气温首次达到了零度以上。With much practice, she has achieved a high level of skill.通过大量练习,她的技术达到了高水平。The food/restaurant is certified kosher.这种食品/这家餐厅达到了犹太教教规标准。




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