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His return to religion was quiet and without theatrics.他的重新皈依宗教是不声不响,毫不故作姿态的。Among his intimate friends his studied reserve was doffed.置身于亲朋好友之中,他不再故作姿态地保持沉默。Even Nixon was disgusted by the posturing and false melodrama.甚至连尼克松都对这种故作姿态和虚张声势感到厌恶。He is only a phraseological liberal and a practicing conservative.他只是口头上故作姿态的自由派,实际上是身体力行的保守派。The broadcast media sniffily affects to distance itself from the press.广播媒体态度轻蔑地故作姿态,要跟新闻媒体保持距离。It would be hypocritical of me to criticize him.我批评他就等于故作姿态。His concern for the poor is a mere pose.他关心穷人只是故作姿态罢了。 |