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词汇 heater
例句 You could get a nasty shock from that water heater if it isn't grounded properly.如果电热水器接地不良的话,可能会发生很严重的触电事故。They won't know what to do if a pipe bursts or if the heater packs up.如果管道爆裂或取暖器出了问题,他们是不知道该如何处理的。John Doe died in his bath, asphyxiated by the fumes from a gas water-heater.一名男子死于浴室中,死因是吸入燃气热水器中排出的气体导致窒息。The heater will run off mains gas or bottled gas.加热器用管道煤气或罐装煤气均可。Once the heater cuts in , it'll be a lot more comfortable in here.一打开加热器,这里就会舒服很多。The pipe leads from the water heater to the bathroom upstairs.这根连着热水器的管道通往楼上的浴室。Sorry if the heater's a bit temperamental.如果加热器性能不稳定,我很抱歉。Dad, I'm cold. Can I put the heater on?爸爸,我很冷。我能开暖气吗?There's an electric heater in the bedroom.卧室里有一台电暖气。Put the heater on for long enough to take the chill off the room.把取暖器打开一段时间,以驱除房间里的寒气。Could you turn up the heater, I'm cold.你能把取暖器打开吗? 我冷。A heater introduces warm air to mix with incoming cold air.一个加热器引入了暖空气,使之与新进来的冷空气相混合。Always buy a heater with thermostat control to save on running costs.始终购买可调温度的取暖器以节省使用成本。You are unlikely to run the heater at full blast for long periods.你不太可能长时间把加热器开到最大挡位。The water heater needs descaling.这个热水器需要除垢了。The heater is on a timer switch.加热器连在一个定时开关上。Even with the heater full on, the room felt cold.即便是把加热器开到最大,房间还是很冷。The heater plugs into the dashboard of your car.电热器是连接到汽车仪表板上的。The heater was on full blast but I was still cold.暖气开到最大了,可我还是觉得冷。I bailed the boat dry and switched on the heater.我把船里的水舀干,打开了加热器。They disconnected the gas, and fixed the water heater to an outside wall.他们切断了煤气,把热水器装在外墙上。I put the heater on to warm the bedroom.我打开取暖器,让卧室暖和起来。You could get a nasty shock from that water heater if it isn't earthed properly.如果电热水器接地不良的话,可能会发生很严重的触电事故。The heater has variable temperature settings.加热器有不同的温度设定。The heater has been going full tilt all morning.加热器整个早上都在全速运转。Would you turn off the heater before you go to bed?你上床之前把取暖器关掉好吗?The furnace man came to repair the heater.锅炉工上门来修理加热器。Nobody wants this type of heater any more - I can't even give it away!这种加热器没人再愿意要了——我连白送都送不出去!The electrical heater is comprised of several heating elements.电热器由多个加热元件组成。The heater was left on all night and it scorched the wall.取暖器开了一夜,把墙壁都烤焦了。




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