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The problem with this drama-documentary is that it's neither one thing nor the other.这部纪实剧的问题在于,它既不像纪录片,也称不上故事片。The feature, as yet untitled, will include interviews plus live footage.这部尚未定名的故事片会看到采访画面和现场表演片段。The short animated movie is a good lead-in to the feature film.这部动画短片是那部故事片的好引子。The rival TV companies are in a race to bring out the first film drama of his life.互相竞争的电视公司争相推出关于他生平的第一部故事片。ITV companies tend to censor bad language in feature films.独立电视公司一般都会删掉故事片里的脏话。He starred in his first feature film a year ago.一年前,他初次主演了故事片。Television companies tend to censor bad language in feature films.电视公司往往会在审查故事片时删去其中的粗话。 |