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The wood was collected up and carefully stacked away.木头被收集起来,仔细地堆放到一边。When I entered, he put by the letter he was reading and began to talk to me.我进去后,他把正在看的一封信放到一边,开始和我谈话。He laid the papers on one side and continued working.他把报纸放到一边,继续工作。Wash and dry the salad leaves and set them aside.把沙拉菜叶洗洗沥干,放到一边。Mix the dry ingredients in a small bowl and set the mixture aside.在一个小碗里把这些干配料混合,然后放到一边。Let's put that issue aside and move on.让我们把那件事放到一边继续做其他的。He put his luggage to one side.他把行李放到一边。He stopped reading and put up the book.他停止阅读,把书放到一边。She laid aside her magazine while she ate her tea.她把杂志放到一边,用起茶点来。She closed the file and put it aside.她合上档案放到一边。 |