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词汇 收入
例句 The bonus he received in addition to his salary was pure gravy.他得到的工资之外的奖金纯属意外收入She donated a fifth of her income to charity.她把收入的五分之一捐给了慈善机构。He will have to make do with his take from the night school.他只好靠着教夜校的收入将就度日。Millions of families have climbed a bracket or two.数百万家庭的收入已提高了一两个档次。Unemployment benefits are directly related to previous earnings.失业救济金与以前的收入直接相关。It will be sold to the highest bidder.报出最高价的竞买人将会将其收入囊中。Proportional increases in income preserve existing differentials between social groups.收入按比例增长维持了现有社会阶层之间的差别。The tax is expected to yield millions.这项税收预计会带来数百万的收入Federal income tax will be deducted from your pay.联邦所得税将从你的收入中扣除。The return on your investment can provide you with regular income.你的投资回报可以给你带来固定的收入They will have to make do on a good deal less than they were earning last year.他们得紧着比去年的收入少得多的钱过日子。The treasurer's report gives a breakdown of the club's income and expenditure.财务主管报告列出了俱乐部的收入和支出细目。The firm is looking for another source of revenue.商行正在寻找其他收入渠道。It's a struggle to bring up a family on a low income.用微薄的收入抚养孩子很艰难。The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation, as well as swelling the coffers of the government.彩票收入用于发展体育和娱乐产业,同时还用来充实国库。I would judge that my earnings as a teacher have, over the years, been considerably below those of Mr Foot.我估计,这些年来,我当老师的收入要比富特先生的收入低不少。He has a comfortable job/income.他有份不错的工作/收入A wife's income is no longer aggregated with that of her husband.妻子的收入不再与丈夫的合并。The annual disbursements exceed the income.年支出额超出收入What was your income before/after taxes?你税前/税后的收入是多少?The company overstated revenue for the past year.这家公司虚报了去年的收入Their two salaries together give them quite a nice income.他们两份工资加在一起,收入相当可观。Her win in Australia has taken her career earnings through the million-dollar barrier.在澳大利亚的胜利使她的职业生涯收入突破了百万美元大关。The gain will be commensurately modest.收入也会相应地比较微薄。Income is expected to exceed expenditure.收入有望超过支出。Their income has been drastically reduced.他们的收入锐减了。Your paycheck will be automatically deposited into your account.你的收入将自动存入你的账户。You have to declare any earnings over a certain amount.收入在超过了一定数字后需要申报。These earnings, translated into pounds, represent half of our total profits.这些收入折算为英镑的话占了我们全部利润的一半。No tax is payable on these earnings.这些收入不需交税。You are prone to extravagance, but your incomings are also fairly healthy.你花钱总是大手大脚,不过你的收入也是相当可观的。For poor countries, diasporas are a source of remittances, of political clout and of reflected glory.对于穷困国家来说,海外侨民是汇款收入、政治影响和间接荣耀的来源。His salary is nothing compared to the mind-boggling figures earned by some sportsmen.他的薪水没法与一些运动员令人膛目的收入相比。He managed on the meagre income his wife earned.他靠妻子挣来的些微收入勉强过活。Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU's income.农业补贴占去了欧盟收入的大约一半。Never spend in excess of your income.花钱切勿超过你的收入About a fifth of their income is spent on entertaining clients.他们的收入约有五分之一用于招待客户。He has trebled his income during the last few years.在过去几年中他的收入已增加两倍。Damages awarded for loss of future earnings can be substantial.因失去将来收入而判定的损失赔偿金可能非常多。Mr Swinney sought to capture the grey vote by campaigning to restore the link between pensions and earnings.斯温尼先生通过呼吁将养老金与收入重新挂钩来争取获得老年选民的选票。




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