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词汇 Mail
例句 Mail order is a convenience for buyers who are too busy to shop.邮购对于那些没有时间逛商店的购物者来说是一项非常方便的服务。I looked in the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail.我仔细看了一下离自己最近的那份报纸,正巧是份《每日邮报》。We read the Daily Mail.我们看《每日邮报》。Mail was still piling up in the office.邮件依然堆在办公室里。Mail from home is a big morale booster for far-away troops.家书可以大大提高远在异乡的军队的士气。Mail order complaints run the gamut from long delays to refund problems.对邮购的投诉范围很广,从迟迟不交货到退款问题无所不有。I published his autobiography, which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail.我出版了《每日邮报》的女记者为他代笔的自传,写得颇具文采。He was a theatre critic for the Daily Mail.他原是《每日邮报》的剧评人。Mail-order catalogs are a convenient way to shop.使用邮购目录是一种方便的购物方式。Mail from home is a great morale booster for our soldiers.对我们的士兵来说,家书可以大大鼓舞他们的士气。The company was alleged to have leaked the news to the Daily Mail.据称,那家公司将消息透露给了《每日邮报》。Mail was piled up just inside the doorway.在入口处堆满了信件。Mail not delivered at the original address must be endorsed to show the next address.未能按原址递送的邮件必须批注另一投寄地址。Mail was still piling up at the office.办公室里的邮件仍在往上堆。




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