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词汇 支持
例句 Supporting a diverse work force broadens our pool of talent.支持多样化的工作队伍扩大了我们的人才库。She threw away the clerical pamphlet passed out to her by someone on the street.她扔掉了有人在街上递给她的有关支持教权主义的小册子。NATO remains the United States' chief institutional anchor in Europe.北大西洋公约组织仍然是美国在欧洲的主要支持机构。He solidified his commitment to the treaty, giving a forceful speech in favour of it.他发表了支持该条约的立场鲜明的讲话,进一步强调了他信守条约的承诺。He had been a known IRA sympathizer.众所周知,他支持爱尔兰共和军。He invoked the name of Freud in support of his argument.他援引弗洛伊德来支持他的论点。He has nailed his colours firmly to Mr Dobson's mast.他表示坚决支持多布森先生。He worked nobly in support of their efforts.他为支持他们的努力崇高地工作。I am in your debt for your help and support.对于你的帮助和支持,我不胜感激。We tried to convince him to support us but he refused to go along.我们力劝他支持我们,但是他就是不同意。His campaign attracted the support of feminists, peaceniks and ecologists.他发起的运动得到了女权主义者、反战分子和生态学家的支持You also feel an overwhelming ache for support from others which you cannot put into words.你还会感受到一种无以言表的想要获得他人支持的渴望。Supporters held a rally for the candidate.支持者举行集会支持候选人。He accuses his political opponents of being overly friendly toward special interests.他谴责政治对手过于支持特殊利益。She has been encouraged by the unwavering support of her family.家人的坚决支持让她深受鼓舞。Supporters of the ousted dictator have been rounded up and jailed.支持已被罢黜的独裁者的人被逮起来投进了监狱。They say they would like to contribute more to charity, but money is tight this year.他们说他们很想捐献更多的钱支持慈善事业,但是今年的钱非常紧张。They stood firmly behind their boss.他们坚定地支持他们的老板。I would not have been able to finish writing the book without the support of my husband and family.没有我丈夫和家人的支持,我写不成这本书。They never wavered in their support for their leader.他们对其领袖的支持从未动摇过。Popular sympathy for the government could ebb.公众对政府的支持有可能回落。We'll support you whatever you decide.不管你作何决定,我们都会支持你。The Bill could reach the statute book by the summer if it attracts the support of Home Office ministers.该法案如果能得到内政部各部长的支持,将可能在今年夏天之前被收入法令全书。Her parents had been more sympathetic towards her.她的父母更支持她了。As pope he won wide support for his strict orthodoxy.作为教皇他严守正统教义,赢得了广泛的支持Friends and colleagues have rallied to her cause.朋友和同事们联合起来支持她的事业。Republicans urge Congress to rally behind the president.共和党人敦促国会联合起来支持总统。Britain will support him as a candidate for the presidency of the organization.英国将支持他参选该组织的主管。The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum.支持全民公决的舆论呼声越来越高。Opinion polls indicated a two-thirds majority in favour / favor of ratification of the treaty.民意调查表明三分之二的多数支持批准该条约。Campaigners hope that people will be sympathetic to their cause.活动家们希望人们同情支持他们的事业。She is a friend of the environment. 支持环保事业。Francine lacks confidence and needs a lot of encouragement and support.弗朗辛缺乏信心,需要大量鼓励和支持He has started a privatisation programme to try and win support from the business community…他启动了一套私有化方案,以设法赢得商界的支持I'm backing him for President.支持他当总统。Recent evidence supports the theory that birds are the modern descendants of dinosaurs.近期的证据为鸟类是恐龙的现代后裔这一理论提供了支持We can't do it without their backing.没有他们的支持我们是做不成这件事的。I will always take your part.我会永远支持你。If you want to go for a promotion, I'll be with you all the way.如果你想去争取提升,我会一直支持你。Some airmen won't go up without the moral support from some Billiken.有些飞行员没有吉祥小玩偶的精神支持是不肯起飞的。




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