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词汇 十几岁
例句 Retailers are glomming onto a new fashion among teens for outsize clothes.十几岁的孩子们新近流行穿特大号的服装,这引起零售商们的强烈兴趣。The crowd consisted mainly/largely of teenage girls.人群里主要是十几岁的女孩。Teenage girls are our niche market. 十几岁的少女群体是我们的目标市场。I had to wear a brace for my crooked teeth when I was a teenager.十几岁时我不得不给我的畸形齿上戴上牙箍。As a teenager, she was a style setter for her younger sister. 十几岁时是她妹妹的时尚标杆。Being a teenager isn't a bundle of laughs.十几岁的年龄可不是好玩的。I was painfully shy as a teenager.十几岁的时候非常腼腆。Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens.多数烟民从十几岁时就开始抽烟了。I was still in my teens.我当时只有十几岁Most teenage romances are transitory.绝大多数十几岁少年的恋情都转瞬即逝。A group of teenagers were standing at the corner, laughing and joking.一群十几岁的青少年站在街角上嘻嘻哈哈地在开玩笑。As a teenager, Clare was always getting on the wrong side of her mother.克莱尔十几岁的时候总是惹母亲生气。Teenage girls have gone gaga over the band's lead singer.十几岁的女孩子们对那支乐队的主唱很着迷。Many parents find it hard to relate to their children when they are teenagers.很多父母感到,当孩子到了十几岁的时候,就很难理解他们了。Their families had feuded since their teenage daughters quarrelled two years ago.自从两家十几岁的女儿两年前吵了一架,两家人就结下了仇。River Phoenix became a famous actor while still a teenager.里弗·菲尼克斯十几岁时就成了著名演员。It appeals principally to teenagers.它主要吸引十几岁的青少年。Some teenagers were being loud and obnoxious.几个十几岁的孩子大声吵闹,让人讨厌。Like many teenage girls, she was worried that she was unattractive.和许多十几岁的女孩子一样,她也担心自己没有魅力。Both of my children are in their teens now. 我的两个孩子现在都是十几岁My teenage daughter's a real clotheshorse.我那个十几岁的女儿特别讲究穿着。On TV he plays a teenager, but in real life he's married with two children.在电视上他扮演一名十几岁的少年,可现实生活中的他却是一位有两个孩子的已婚男子。She had been sexually assaulted as a teenager.十几岁时遭到了性侵犯。Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate with their teenage children.父母有时会发觉难以与他们十几岁的孩子交流。Most of the volunteers are teenagers and young adults.大多数志愿者是十几岁的青少年和二十来岁的成年人。I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens.十几岁时增加的体重一直没有减下去。Teenage disco music pumped out at every station.每一站都喧闹地播放着十几岁少年所喜爱的劲爆迪斯科音乐。Some people go to the state fair to see the livestock, but teenagers like the midway.一些人到州市集是为了看家畜,而十几岁的孩子们更喜欢那里的娱乐场。He was badly bitten by the racing bug in his teens.十几岁时对赛车着了迷。It's all about teenage boys burning rubber in kart cars.那都是有关十几岁的男孩子开着卡丁车飙车的事。When he was a teenager, Wayne got into a lot of trouble with the police.韦恩十几岁的时候,与警察惹上许多次麻烦。A mother I knew was going through a really unpleasant time with a stroppy teenage son.我认识的一位母亲因为十几岁的儿子脾气暴躁、任性叛逆而过得很不开心。A high proportion of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties.很大一部分案件乃是十几岁的少年和二十多岁的青年男子所为。As a teenager I was painfully shy.十几岁时非常害羞。This demographic (young teenagers) is the fastest-growing age group using the site.该族群(十几岁的年轻人)是使用这个网站人数增长最快的年龄群体。Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a taxi driver.两名十几岁的少年对一名出租车司机进行了疯狂的攻击。He turned to a life of crime as a teenager.他从十几岁起就走上了犯罪道路。Just think about it - you don't really want to become a father while you're still in your teens, do you?你想想,你才十几岁,又不是真的想要当父亲,对不对?Their teenage daughter has been officially listed as a missing person since she failed to return home after leaving school.由于放学后未能回家,他们十几岁的女儿已被正式列入失踪人员名单。As there are fewer teenagers, the crime rate may go down. The same holds true for traffic accidents.十几岁的青少年较少,犯罪率有可能下降。这情况同样适用于交通事故发生率。




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