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词汇 clouds
例句 The sun finally peeped out from behind the clouds.太阳终于从云后面露了出来。As I hiked around the volcano, clouds of steam rose up from the depths of the Earth.我在火山周围远足时,大团大团的蒸汽从地底深处冒出来。There were clouds of dust in the distance as the truck approached.远处驶来的卡车使地面扬起大量尘土。The clouds drifted across the sky.云彩在天空缓缓飘动。Just from looking at the clouds, I would say it's going to rain.就看看天上的云,我也认为会下雨。The mountain seemed to touch the clouds.高山像是已触及云层。There were little white clouds high in the blue sky.高高的蓝天上浮着朵朵小白云。Engine exhaust roiled in clouds around him.发动机排出的气在他周围成团翻滚。He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds.他仍旧仰卧着,望着天上的云彩。Like great sailing ships, the clouds sped across the sky.一朵朵的云如同巨大的帆船在天空中快速飘过。A field of burning grass billowed thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.黑色浓烟从一块燃烧着的草地冒起,滚滚上升天际。Thick grey clouds hid the sun.浓密的乌云遮住了太阳。A break in the clouds let us see the summit. 云间缝隙让我们见到山顶。We watched as clouds flew across the sky.我们看着云朵在天空中快速飘过。The dark clouds suggest an impending storm.乌云表明暴风雨即将来临。The wind was puffing away the clouds.风正在吹散云朵。Dark clouds massed and we expected rain.乌云密布,看起来就要下雨了。Large white clouds drifted slowly across the deep blue sky.大朵大朵的白云在蔚蓝色的天空中悠悠飘过。He saw the reflections of the clouds on the lake.他看到了云在湖面上的映象。She painted white clouds in a deep blue sky.她在深蓝的天空上画了几朵白云。The clouds dispersed , revealing blue sky above.云散了,露出蔚蓝色的天空。Far in the distance, large white clouds were pushing in from the north.在远处,大片大片白云正从北边涌来。With storm clouds rushing over them, the mountains looked dark and forbidding.黑云压顶,群山显得阴森森的,险恶狰狞。The sun finally began to break through. = The sun finally began to break through the clouds.阳光终于透过云层照射出来。The storm clouds were gathering in the Gulf.动乱阴云在海湾地区聚集。The morning brought blue sky and golden clouds.一大早就是蓝色的天空和金色的云霞。I lay on the grass and watched the clouds floating by.我躺在草地上,看着白云飘过。Just then, the sun broke through the clouds.正在那时,太阳冲破乌云钻了出来。A bank of dark clouds entered the region.一团团乌云向这个地区压来。Black clouds betoken a storm.乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.军队用雷达卫星透过云雾和夜幕追踪目标。The clouds darkened, obliterating the sun.乌云密布,遮住了太阳。The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its glory.太阳穿云而出,壮丽无比。Dark clouds warned of the approaching storm.乌云预示了暴风雨就要来临。Dark clouds denote rain.乌云是下雨的预兆。The sun soon scattered the clouds.太阳不久驱散了云层。Primeval clouds of gas formed themselves into stars.原生气团形成了恒星。The rain stopped and the clouds parted.雨停了,云散了。White clouds scudded across the sky.白云掠过天空。The clouds were threatening rain. 乌云密布预示要下雨。




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