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词汇 clouded
例句 Her eyes were clouded with tears.泪水使她双眼变得模糊起来。The atmosphere has already been clouded by the BJP's anger at the media.印度人民党怒斥媒体,已经破坏了气氛。His emotions may have clouded his editorial judgement.他的感情可能影响了他编辑方面的判断力。Emotion clouded his judgement.情绪干扰了他的判断。In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.在他晚年的时候,对宗教的狂热让他头脑糊涂。At the mention of her dead husband, her face clouded over.一提到死去的丈夫,她的脸色就阴沉下来。His acute perception was often clouded by mysticism.他敏锐的洞察力常受到模糊思想的影响。The tern's forehead is clouded with streaks in winter.燕鸥的前额在冬天会出现斑驳的条纹。There had been no indication of any loss of mental faculties. His whole life had nevertheless been clouded with a series of illnesses.没有迹象显示他的智力受到了损害,但是他的一生却是疾病缠身。The final years of her life were clouded by illness.她生命的最后几年一直疾病缠身。Her eyes clouded over with tears.她双眼噙满了泪水。After a fine day, the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows.晴了一天后,天空又乌云密布,顷刻间便雨打窗棂。Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.可能愤怒蒙蔽了他的双眼,也可能他的判断本来就是错的。Ann's eyes clouded with the pain.安的眼神因为痛苦而变得暗淡无光。Other thoughts clouded his memory.其它的念头把他的记忆搞糊涂了。Smoke clouded the city sky after two large grass fires continued to burn over the weekend.两场草原大火燃烧了整整一个周末,烟雾笼罩在城市上空。The sky clouded and the wind picked up.天空阴云密布,风越刮越大。A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。The alcohol must have clouded my judgment. 一定是酒精扰乱了我的判断力。Grace's face suddenly clouded over and she turned away.格雷斯的脸突然阴了下来,然后她转过身去。The sky had clouded over, and it was beginning to rain.天空阴云密布,开始下雨了。On hearing the news, her face clouded over.一听到这消息,她的脸上顿生愁云。His face clouded over in disappointment.他因失望而拉下了脸。Trish's face clouded with disappointment.特里什的脸因失望而变得阴沉。When I asked about Gerald, Susan's usually kind face clouded with fear and suspicion.当我问起杰拉尔德如何时,苏姗一向和善的脸上露出了恐惧和怀疑的神色。The water clouded and I could no longer see the river bed.水变得浑浊了,我再也看不清河床了。Her face clouded over in confusion at his curt tone.他唐突的口气使她不知所措,脸色也沉了下来。Then suspicion clouded his face.他脸上随即起了疑云。The Supreme Court's latest decision has only clouded the issue of gun control.最高法院的最新裁决反而使枪支管制问题更为复杂。The room was clouded with cigarette smoke.房间里烟雾缭绕。The sky clouded over before the storm.暴风雨来临前天空阴云密布。The financial outlook is clouded by worry over inflation.对通货膨胀的忧虑使财政前景暗淡。Exhaustion clouded her mind.极度的疲劳使她思路混乱。The atmosphere has already been clouded by the BJP's anger at the media.气氛已经被印度人民党对媒体的愤怒弄得沉重起来。The mirror clouded beside her cheek.她脸颊旁边的镜子起了雾。Steam clouded the mirror.水汽使镜面变模糊。Her face clouded with concern.她的脸上满是担忧。Her political future was clouded by allegations of misconduct.对她滥用职权的指控给她的政治前途蒙上了一层阴影。The sky had clouded over , and it was beginning to rain.天空阴云密布,开始下起雨来。Her happiness was clouded by having to leave her son behind.她因为不得不把儿子留下,幸福中掺杂了些遗憾。




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