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词汇 cloth
例句 They spun and wove cloth.他们纺纱、织布。This cloth is harsh to the touch.这块布料摸上去很毛糙。It's the fineness of the thread that makes the cloth so soft.这匹布如此柔软是因为其精制的织线。Do you use cloth diapers or disposables? 你用布尿布还是一次性尿布?Matilda was embroidering an altar cloth covered with flowers and birds.玛蒂尔达在一块有花鸟图案的祭坛布上刺绣。He padded the inside of the box with cloth and crumpled newspaper.他把布和报纸团垫在盒子里。This cloth gathers dust.这种布容易积灰尘。The corner of the cloth should be folded down, like so.布料的那个角应该折下来,就像这样。It pays to choose good cloth for a suit.选用好料子做一套衣服是上算的。It had the maker's name on a small cloth tab inside.衣服里边有一条标明成衣商姓氏的小布襻。He measured off three yards of cloth.他量出三码布。The stone must be cured under a wet cloth.这石料必须覆盖湿布养护。The acid burned a hole in the cloth.酸液在布上烧了个洞。The cloth was rough in texture.这种布料质地粗糙。It's my duty to remove the cloth.食后收拾是我的分内事。Sewing is nothing more than puncture of a cloth by a needle drawing thread.缝纫者,只不过是用带线的针穿刺布片而已。He shredded the paper/cloth.他把纸/布撕碎了。Woollen cloth has plenty of texture.呢绒的质感丰富。The fire started when a lamp tipped over and ignited a cloth sofa.灯翻倒了引燃了一张布沙发,火就烧了起来。Fetch a cloth to mop up the spill.拿块抹布把溢出来的东西擦掉。The main trade was the production of woollen cloth.主要的生意是生产毛料。The cloth dyers of ancient Tyre produced beautiful colours that have never been equalled by even the finest synthetic dyes.古提尔染布匠所染出的漂亮的颜色,就连最好的合成染料也难以相匹。Then I applied a wax polish before finally burnishing all surfaces with a soft cloth.然后我打了光蜡,最后用软布擦亮所有表面。She wore an unbecoming dress hurriedly stitched from cheap cloth.她穿着一件用廉价布料匆匆缝制的难看的连衣裙。He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor.他正拿着一块布,布上粉红色的水滴落在地板上。If you ravel out one end of the cloth, you can find the little threads of cotton which are woven together to make your frock.如果把布的一边拆散,你就会看到一条条细小棉线,就是它们织成了做连衣裙的布。They barter grains for cloth.他们用谷物换布。Look for a suit made from good, sturdy cloth to ensure it hangs well.找一套用结实的好布料做的套装,这样的衣服垂感好。The cover is made from small patches of cloth sewn together.罩子是用小布块缝合在一起的。The man had fashioned a turban from a strip of torn cloth.那个男人用一条破布做了一条包头巾。Moisten the cloth before using it to clean glass.用布擦玻璃前先把布弄湿。It's poor quality cloth, with a tendency to shrink.这布料质量很差;容易缩水。The toy is made of a balloon in a cloth sack that can be hit without busting.这件玩具是由一只汽球装在布袋里做成的,怎么打也不会打破。His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.他的手腕开始被捆绑的布带磨得很痛。This cloth is still stained; you'll have to give it another bleach.这块布还有污迹,你得再把它漂洗一下。Damp the cloth before you clean the windows.在擦玻璃窗之前,把揩布弄湿。The furniture had been covered in a protective cloth.家具上盖了一块防护布。My clothes were made of coarse cloth.我的衣服是用粗布制成的。Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth.每一卷都采用色彩亮丽的布面装帧。Sophia stanched the blood with a cloth.索菲亚用一布块止住了血。




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