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The press secretary papered over the disagreement between the party leader and her deputy.新闻秘书掩盖了该政党领袖与副手之间的分歧。If she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.如果有机会重头来过,她会雇一个新闻秘书。The press secretary strode into the room and called the meeting to order.新闻秘书大步走进房间,宣布开会。The organization's press secretary is thought to be the source of the leak.有人认为是该组织的新闻秘书泄露了消息。She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.她说如果有机会从头来过,她会雇一位新闻秘书。 |