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词汇 pressure
例句 The window in the cockpit had blown in and the pressure dropped dramatically.驾驶舱的窗户突然向内破裂,气压急剧降低。Having an extra pair of hands during busy periods can take the pressure off.繁忙时段多一个帮手可以减轻压力。Such metal has a retention technique to remember. If you crump it, you'll apply heat or pressure and it will spring back the way it was before.这种金属具有记忆性能。如果把它扭弯,只要加热或加压就能使它立即恢复原来形状。Straining to lift heavy weights can raise your blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。Mendelsohn has come under pressure to take action.门德尔松面临着采取行动的压力。Her confession was ruled inadmissible as evidence because it was given under pressure from the police.她的供词是在警方压力下作出的,因此被判定不能作为证据。Everyone is urged to have a yearly check for high blood pressure.鼓励所有人都每年查一次高血压。England piled on the pressure from the start.英格兰队从一开始就显得咄咄逼人。The Prime Minister has caved in to backbench pressure.首相迫于后座议员们的压力让步了。I was under pressure from my parents to become a teacher.父母给我压力,要我当一名老师。Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.今年通货膨胀可能会加剧,迫使利率持续走高。The plane lost cabin pressure and everyone had to use oxygen masks.飞机舱内的压力降低了,每个人都不得不使用氧气面罩。They kept putting pressure on him, but they couldn't break his spirit/determination/resistance.虽然他们不断给他施压,但却无法瓦解他的精神/决心/抵抗。Companies are under pressure to hire a more diverse workforce.公司被迫要雇用更多能力不同的员工。She's taking medication for high blood pressure. = She's on medication for high blood pressure.她在服用降压药。Your blood pressure is higher than normal.你的血压高于正常值。Under pressure from the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches.迫于公众压力,许多地区政府对各自海滩进行了清理。High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart.高血压会给心脏增加额外的负担。Even if I had the talent to play tennis, I couldn't stand the pressure.即使我有打网球的天赋,我也无法承受这种压力。Apply pressure to the wound to stop it bleeding.压住伤口止血。The dam was too weak to withhold the pressure of the rising water.水坝不够牢固,抵挡不住水上涨的压力。Some young executives crack under the pressure of having to meet tough sales targets every month.一些年轻的主管崩溃了,他们压力很大,每个月都要完成很高的销售指标。Large companies were criticized for using pressure tactics against small suppliers.大公司因对小型供应商施加压力而遭到批评。They are putting pressure on the government to equalize state pension ages between men and women.他们正在向政府施压,希望在国家养老金发放的年龄问题上实现男女平等。The report says there is increasing pressure on the government from Islamic groups.这篇报道称政府面临的来自伊斯兰组织的压力越来越大。The pressure on students during exam time can be immense.学生在考试期间的压力可能会非常大。Her blood pressure has returned to its normal level.她的血压已经恢复到正常水平。Many parents put too much pressure on their children to excel in school.许多家长给子女太大压力,希望他们学业出众。He's been under intense pressure.他处在巨大的压力之下。The franc had been under no pressure compared with the lira and the pound.与里拉和英镑相比,法郎并没受到压力。They're under incredible pressure at the moment.他们目前正承受着极大的压力。The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.政府面对如此大的压力,失去了信心。No one was sure if he could handle the pressure of making a speech, but he rose to the occasion and did an excellent job.谁也不知道他能否应付演讲压力,但他勇于迎接挑战并出色完成了任务。Advertising aimed at children puts a lot of pressure on parents.针对孩子们的广告给家长们造成了极大的压力。She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it.她用脚踢门,力气之大足以把门踹开。They are under pressure to negate their femaleness.她们承受着否认自己女性身份的压力。These headaches were most suggestive of raised blood pressure.这类头痛多是血压升高的征兆。In spite of the pressure to pass the test, he felt calm and in control.尽管有必须通过考试的压力,他却感到平静并安之若素。At no time did I feel rushed or under pressure.我任何时候都不会觉得仓促或者有压力。She had to give in as a result of pressure relayed from her relatives via her parents.由于亲戚通过她的父母向她施加的压力,她只好屈从了。




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