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词汇 close up
例句 The cut has closed up without a scar.伤口已经愈合,没有留下伤疤。If you look at the painting close up you can see that it's a fake.如果你靠近看这幅画,就会发现它是赝品。He closed up the mouth of the pipe.他把管口堵住了。The moment I said I was a police officer, everyone would close up like a clam.我一说我是警官,所有的人就会闭口不言。The flowers close up at night.这些花在夜里合上。I didn't see his face close up.我没有近距离地看到他的脸。It was my first glimpse of him close up.这是我第一次近距离瞥见他。Children have to learn to close up the letters when writing.孩子们写字时应学会将字母相互靠拢。A picked body of men were sent to close up the rear of the retreating troops.一队经挑选的精兵被派去为撤退的部队断后。Much of the movie is shot in close up.这部电影不少镜头都是近摄镜头。The summer house had been closed up all year.这座消夏别墅关了整整一年。Business declined to such an extent that the company had to close up.生意如此清淡,公司只好停业。Businesses closed up early so employees could attend the parade.为让员工参加庆祝游行,商场提早关门了。Just close up the shop.把店关了就好了。They always look smaller close up.凑近看时,它们总是显得小一些。The cut eventually closed up on its own.伤口最终自行愈合了。They closed up the house and left town.他们锁好房门后出了城。The resorts are all closed up for the season.旅游胜地在这个季节里都关闭了。The wound closed up after a week.一周以后伤口愈合The troops closed up and prepared to begin the attack.部队集结起来准备发起进攻。She closes up when people ask her about her parents.当人们问及她父母时,她沉默不语。The restaurant has already closed up shop for the winter.这家餐馆已经开始了冬季歇业。Dragging a chair close up to the television screen, she sat down to watch the film.她拖了一把椅子靠近电视机屏幕,坐下来看这部电影。Why do you close up every time I mention your father?为什么我每次提起你父亲你都缄默不语?The runners had closed up and were moving in a tight little pack.赛跑选手们靠得很紧,挤成一团在跑。When it rains, there is no alternative but to close up shop.下雨就只有关门停业,别无选择。The seaside café closes up in the winter.海滨咖啡馆冬季歇业。Occasionally the channel widened then closed up tight again.航道时而宽,时而窄。We've closed up for the day. Please come back tomorrow.我们今天已经打烊了。请明天再光临。All the shops had closed up for the night.深夜所有的商店都已经打烊了。Now that I could see him close up, I saw that he was very attractive.这时我能够近距离看他了,发觉他很有魅力。The windows are closed up with brick.窗子都用砖砌死了。You have to look at the painting close up to really appreciate its detail.你真要欣赏这幅画的细节,就得靠近了看。The ranks closed up.队列靠拢在一起。Your wound will soon close up.你的伤口很快就会愈合。The windows of the old classroom were closed up with brick.旧教室的窗户用砖堵起来了。If I don't phone the office,she would close up at 5 p.m.要不是我给办事处打了电话,她会在下午5点钟关门的。




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