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词汇 phenomenon
例句 In certain professions, it is hard for women to get promoted. This is called the phenomenon of the glass ceiling.在某些行业之中,女性升迁不易,这就叫做玻璃天花板。Language is a social and cultural phenomenon.语言是一种社会文化现象。The phenomenon occurs in the early stages of pregnancy.这种现象出现在怀孕早期。The movie eventually became a cultural phenomenon.那部电影最后成了一种文化奇迹。I observed a similar phenomenon in Bolivia.我在玻利维亚观察到了类似的现象。Her new book is a publishing phenomenon.她的新书是出版业的奇迹。No explanation for this phenomenon has yet been found.这一现象还没有找到合理的解释。This phenomenon piqued Dr Morris' interest.这一现象激起了莫里斯医生的兴趣。How does one explain this incredible phenomenon?如何解释这个令人难以置信的现象呢?Magnetic attraction is an interesting phenomenon.磁性吸力是种有趣的现象。He's a football/baseball phenomenon.他是橄榄球/棒球天才。This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.这一理论解释了一种其他任何理论无法解释的现象。A child who can play the piano at the age of two would be called a phenomenon.两岁能弹钢琴的孩子会被称作神童。There's evidence to suggest that child abuse is not just a recent phenomenon.有证据表明虐待儿童并不是近来才有的现象。Thermoluminescence is a photothermic phenomenon.热发光是一种与光和热都有关的现象。Machismo is a New World phenomenon with roots in Old World cultures.大男子主义是植根于旧世界文化中的新大陆现象。These findings could help explain a well-known phenomenon.这些发现有助于解释一个常见的现象。This phenomenon can be easily explained.这种现象很容易解释。The trend is broadly distributed and not just a big-city phenomenon.此趋势广泛扩散,并非是一个仅出现在大城市的现象。The unfolding energy crisis is very much a global phenomenon.蔓延中的能源危机在很大程度上是一个全球性现象。Tides are a solunar phenomenon.潮汐是一种日月共同作用所引起的现象。The entire phenomenon is a mighty piss-take by a couple of prankster conceptual artists.这整个现象是由几个搞恶作剧的概念派艺术家开的大玩笑。This form of civil disobedience isn't a particularly new phenomenon.这种形式的非暴力反抗并不是特别新的现象。It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.这是一种有趣的科学现象,但没什么实用价值。He is a phenomenon that will leave the footlights only when he does actually retire.他是一个只有在真正退休后才会告别舞台生涯的奇才。The Beatles were a phenomenon - nobody had heard anything like them before.甲壳虫乐队真是个奇迹,在此之前人们从未听说过像他们那样杰出的乐队。Miracles are a phenomenon that many religions recognize.神迹是许多宗教都承认的现象。Lightning is a natural phenomenon.闪电是一种自然现象。Hail is a meteoric phenomenon.下冰雹是一种大气现象。Further research was undertaken into this phenomenon.这一现象仍在进一步研究。The deterioration of the ozone layer is a perplexing phenomenon.臭氧层遭破坏是一个令人费解的现象。The cell phone is a relatively recent phenomenon. It's difficult at the moment to assess its effects.手机是一个较近出现的现象,目前还难以评估其影响。There must be some rational explanation for this apparently bizarre phenomenon.这种表面上看来很怪异的现象,其中必有某种合理的解释。Social violence is not a new phenomenon.社会暴力并不是一种新现象。The copycat suicide is now a well-recognized phenomenon.模仿性自杀现在已经是一个被充分认识的现象了。A number of theories have been proposed to explain the phenomenon.提出了一些理论来解释这种现象。We now know that our system of planets orbiting the sun is not a unique phenomenon.现在我们知道,我们的行星围绕太阳运行的系统并非是独一无二的现象。This phenomenon is not as outrageous as it seems.这种现象并不像它看上去那样骇人。This phenomenon has been observed experimentally.这一现象已进行过实验观察。The shortage of good managers had become a universal phenomenon.缺乏优秀的经理是个普遍现象。




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