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词汇 phenomena
例句 These phenomena seemingly defy rational explanation.这些现象看上去不能得到合理的解释。We are particularly interested in phenomena such as telepathy and levitation.我们对心灵感应及空中漂浮这样的现象特别有兴趣。Scientists used the space station to study physical phenomena in a weightless environment.科学家们用空间站研究失重环境下的自然现象。I will surely be told that these two phenomena do not falsify the theory because they are exceptions.一定会有人对我说,这两种现象都是例外,并不能证明这个理论是错误的。A thorough understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural phenomena.透彻理解数学足以解释很多自然现象。These phenomena are reified into facts.这些现象被具体化后为事实。Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.科学也许能够解释某些超自然现象。He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.他将马克思主义的世界观教条地应用到所有的社会现象中去。Scientists have no explanation for the coincidence of these phenomena.科学家无法解释这些现象为什么会同时发生。Wind and rain are meteoric phenomena.刮风和下雨是大气现象。She proved scientifically that such phenomena exist.她科学地证实了这种现象的存在。Fever and inflammation are phenomena of disease.发烧和炎症是疾病的症状。She is developing new theories that might shed some light on these unusual phenomena.她正在创立新理论,可能会对解释这些异常现象有所帮助。His job is to investigate supernatural phenomena.他的工作是探究超自然现象。Some researchers doubt that there is any linkage between these phenomena. 有些研究人员怀疑这些现象之间存在某种联系。Rockets can be instrumented to record observations in geomagnetism, cosmic rays and other phenomena of the universe.火箭可以装上仪器,把观测到的地磁、宇宙射线和其他宇宙现象都记录下来。Do you believe in the paranormal and other psychic phenomena?你相信超自然及其他通灵现象吗?Flying saucers are still in the gray area of space phenomena.飞碟仍是一种悬而未决的空间现象。No satisfactory account was given of these phenomena.对这些现象不曾提供令人满意的解释。He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena.他声称完全不相信超自然现象。It has been predicated that a seismic shock was the cause of these phenomena.业已断定,这些现象是由地震引起的。He conducted a scientific investigation into paranormal phenomena.他对超自然现象进行了科学调查。




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