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词汇 closer
例句 He shifted the chair closer to the bed.他把椅子向床移近。In broad terms, this means that the closer you live to a school, the more likely it is that your child will get a place there.笼统地说,你住得离某学校越近,你的孩子就越有可能进入该校上学。The woman moved closer to Beth, gripping her arm tightly.那个女人走近贝丝,紧紧抓住她的胳膊。As he came closer he saw a gigantic wall of raging flame before him.他走近时发现前面是一道烈火熊熊的巨大火墙。Both nations are seeking closer links with the West.两个国家都在寻求同西方建立更紧密的关系。Britain should move towards closer union with Europe.英国应与欧洲建立更紧密的联合。We need to take a closer look at these issues.我们有必要对这些问题进行更为细致的考虑。Large objects appear to be closer. Conversely, small objects seem farther away.大的物体显得近一些;相反,小的物体似乎显得远一些。Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging.吉罗腆着肚子,摇摇摆摆地走过来。The deadline was getting closer and we were under continual pressure to reach our targets.最后期限不断逼近,为达到目标,我们承受着持续的压力。A set period of fasting is supposed to bring us closer to godliness.据说定期斋戒会让我们更虔诚。It would profit you to pay closer attention.你若能更密切注意当有益处。We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.我们正致力于实现欧盟内部更加紧密的政治一体化。She watched, fascinated, as the bird came closer until she could almost touch it.她入迷地看着那只鸟靠近,直至几乎能触摸到它。New York is much closer to Chicago than it is to Los Angeles.纽约到芝加哥比到洛杉矶近多了。Christmas is getting closer and will soon be here.圣诞节马上就要到了。Folk psychology comes closer to the obvious truth than the most sophisticated theories.比起最复杂的理论,大众心理学更接近那些显而易见的事实。The vast majority of people voted in favour of closer links with Europe.大部分民众投票赞成与欧洲保持更密切的联系。They're moving closer to making a decision.他们正在向做出决定靠近。The elections are drawing closer.选举日期越来越近了。Make your stitches closer together.把针脚缝得再密一些。We've chosen three examples of contemporary architecture for closer study.我们已选出三个当代建筑的典型代表做进一步研究。I heard the floorboards creak as he crept closer.他蹑手蹑脚走近时我听见地板嘎吱嘎吱地响。We attempted to manoeuvre the canoe closer to him.我们试图把独木舟划到他跟前。I'll take a closer look at your homework tomorrow.我明天会更加仔细地检查你的家庭作业。As we came closer to the desert, the vegetation became sparser.我们越靠近沙漠,沿途的草木就变得越稀疏。On closer examination, I realized it was a piece of bone.我仔细一看,发现原来那是一块骨头。On closer examination, it appeared that something was missing.经进一步的仔细检查,才发现遗漏了一些东西。We need to form/forge/encourage a closer alliance between government and industry.我们需要在政府和产业之间形成/促成一种更加紧密的联盟。Maria grew anxious as the men drew closer.当那几个男人靠近时,玛丽亚变得焦虑起来。She's one step nearer/closer to graduation.她向毕业又迈进了一步。He edged closer to the telephone, ready to grab it.他慢慢挪向电话机,准备抓起听筒。To pass the bill, Elle tries to get closer to Congresswoman Libby Hauser in the beauty parlor.为了使提案获得通过,艾莉在美容院试图接近国会女议员利比豪泽。Take a closer look at it.更加仔细地看看。It's just as well she didn't get that job, since she will now be closer to home.幸好她当时没得到那份工作,她现在可以离家近点。The lion drew closer to its prey.那头狮子慢慢靠近猎物。The voices became louder and closer and then faded away again.人声越来越嘈杂,越来越近,接着又逐渐消失了。She crouched down, trying to get a closer look at the spider.她蹲下身,想凑近一点观察那只蜘蛛。She moved closer, trying to hear what Jack was saying.她挪近了一些,试图听清杰克说些什么。The deadline draws ever closer.离截止日期更近了。




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