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A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.活组织检查通常是一个小手术。He underwent minor surgery and recovered in a few days.他动了小手术,几天就康复了。Even small operations can leave you feeling a bit shaky.即使是小手术也会让你有点战战兢兢。She had a minor operation a few years back.几年前她做了个小手术。He is going in for a minor operation.他要接受一个小手术。She had minor surgery on her knee.她的膝盖动过一次小手术。The doctor is confident that Brown's knee problem is on the mend after a minor operation.医生确信布朗的膝伤在一次小手术后会逐渐康复。He had a minor operation to remove a cyst.他做了一个囊肿切除的小手术。His mother had to go to the hospital for minor surgery.他母亲得去医院做一个小手术。 |