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词汇 接电话
例句 He sprang to the phone with unwonted eagerness.他一跃而起去接电话,很少见他这么着急。She ran back to the phone. The line was disconnected.她跑回去接电话。但电话已挂了。I tried to make my voice sound deeper when I answered the phone.接电话的时候尽量让自己的嗓音低沉些。She answered the phone in a brisk voice.接电话时语气干脆利落。I broke off the conversation and answered the phone.我中断了谈话去接电话We were able to receive incoming calls, but we weren't able to dial out.我们可以接电话,但打不出去。His hand shook as he reached for the phone.他颤抖着手去接电话I have your wife on the line for you, Mr Black.布莱克先生,你夫人找你接电话Take a moment to compose yourself before you pick up the phone.先停一下让自己平静下来,再接电话I'll answer the phone.我来接电话For days on end she didn't answer the phone.好多天以来,她一直不接电话His job includes answering the phones, filing, and photocopying.他的工作就是接电话、填写表格和复印文件。A female voice answered the phone.接电话的是个女子的声音。She broke off from the conversation to answer the telephone.她停止交谈去接电话The telephone service lets users see who is calling before they pick up the phone.这项电话服务使用户在接电话前能知道是谁的来电。A great bulk of her time is taken up with answering the phone.她的很大一部分时间用于接电话I'll take the call upstairs.我要上楼接电话Could I speak to someone from the sales department?请帮我找一下销售部的人接电话好吗?Whom did he expect to answer his phone?.他希望由谁来接电话He is in consultation and cannot come to the phone.他在商议事情,抽不出身接电话She answered the phone rather sleepily.她睡意朦胧地接电话I couldn't answer the phone because I was in the shower.我没法接电话,因为我当时在淋浴间冲澡。Ruth staggered out of her bedroom to pick up the phone.露丝摇摇晃晃地走出卧室,去接电话They kept bickering over who should answer the phone.他们老是为应该谁去接电话的事争吵。I tried phoning him at work, but I just got his secretary.我打电话到他上班的地方去过,可接电话的却是他的秘书。She leaned over the desk to answer the phone.她俯身靠在书桌上接电话I kept getting mysterious phone calls where the caller would hang up as soon as I answered.我老是接到神秘电话,我一接电话,对方就会挂掉。If it happens that I'm wanted badly somewhere, my mother will take the call and phone through to me here.如果凑巧有人着急找我,我母亲会接电话,然后再打电话到这里转告我。Come on Bob, pick up! I know you're there.行了鲍勃,接电话吧!我知道你在。She moved smartly to her desk to answer the call.她快速移到桌边接电话He put his hand over the mouthpiece and called his wife to the phone.他用手捂住话筒,叫妻子来接电话He was called to the telephone just as he was leaving.他刚要走,这时有人叫他接电话Never give your name or number when you answer the phone.接电话千万别说出你的名字或电话号码。He tells his secretary to hold his calls.他让秘书代接电话Freedie was speaking on the other end of the line.弗雷迪正在另一头接电话She put on a Southern accent when she answered the phone.接电话时装出一口南方口音。They called her down from upstairs to answer the telephone.他们把她从楼上叫下来接电话He jumped up eagerly and ran to answer the phone.他急切地跳起来跑去接电话They looked at how children left alone reacted to everyday situations such as answering the phone.他们观察独自在家的孩子是如何应对接电话之类的日常情境。She came to the phone bubbling with excitement.她兴奋不已地去接电话




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