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词汇 排列
例句 Crowds lined the streets to watch the parade.人群排列在街道两边观看游行。Her forces were ranged just outside Edinburgh, against the forces of the confederate lords.她的军队就排列在爱丁堡城外,与贵族盟军对垒。Spectators lined the streets.观众在街道两旁排列等候。The items are listed in order of importance.这些项目是根据其重要性排列的。The photocopier will collate the pages of the report.复印机将自动排列这份报告的页码。In the dining room, team photographs were ranged along the wall.餐厅里,球队的照片排列在墙上。The cups were ranked neatly on the shelf.杯子整整齐齐地排列在架子上。We are learning about how genes are organized.我们在了解基因是如何排列的。There has been no attempt to arrange the books according to subject matter.这些书没有按主题排列The pictures are numbered and arranged in serial order.这些图片是按顺序编号排列的。Test scores are listed in ascending order from lowest to highest.考试成绩由低到高排列Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language.人类的基因排列方式使其能够学会某些语言。The seats in the theatre were steeply tiered.剧院的座位呈陡直的阶梯状排列The clothes were arranged according to size.衣服按照大小排列He arranged the items with mathematical precision on the plate.他在板上以数学般的精确排列好那些项目。Now arrange the numbers in reverse order.现在倒过来排列这些数字。The company commander ordered the group to form on the last platoon.连长命令这一组紧接着那个排列队。Much of Manhattan is laid out in the form of a grid.曼哈顿的大部分城区是以网格化的形式排列的。The lights were arranged to give a particular effect.这些灯如此排列是为了营造出一种特殊的效果。The psychology books are ordered according to title, not according to author.这些心理学书籍是根据书名而不是根据作者姓名排列的。The island chain arcs from north to south.列岛由北向南呈弧形排列The permutations are endless.排列方式是无穷无尽的。Hundreds of books lined the shelves.数百本书排列在书架上。The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛。List the points in descending order of importance.将这几点按重要性降序排列She ranked her students according to their grades.她按成绩排列学生的名次。The dashboard and controls are clean-cut and tidy.仪表板和控制开关排列得整整齐齐。The way the books were arranged seemed completely random.书籍的排列似乎完全没有一定之规。Formations of tanks were lined up along the border.坦克编队排列在边境。These stone circles are often astronomically aligned.这些巨石圈的排列常常具有天文意义。The pillars, which are outside the building, are so placed in order to provide the maximum space inside.建筑物外面的柱子如此排列是为了能提供最大的室内空间。We tried several different arrangements of the parts/components/elements.我们尝试了几种部件/成分/元素排列的不同方法。Tall trees wall the broad avenue.高大的树木大墙似地排列在宽阔的林荫道旁。They were neatly arranged in loose-leaf folders.它们被整整齐齐地排列在活页夹中。The paragraphs are not in a logical order.这些段落的排列不合逻辑。Shakespeare's plays in chronological order按写作先后次序排列的莎士比亚剧作The names were listed in no particular order.名单是随意排列的。The troops were formed in battle array.军队按战斗队形排列The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的岛屿。The people lined the street to hail the invincible general.人们排列在街的两旁向常胜将军欢呼。




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