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There were several hecklers scattered among the crowd.一些捣乱分子散布在人群中。She was a disruptive influence, and after a year or two she got the boot.她是个捣乱分子,过了一两年就被开除了。He was immediately marked down as a troublemaker.他马上被认定是个捣乱分子。There are rogue elements in any army and any society.任何军队和任何社会中都有捣乱分子。There were several hecklers at the rally.集会上有几个捣乱分子。I was a talentless spoiler. If I couldn't be good, why should they?.我是个无能的捣乱分子。如果我做不好,他们有什么理由表现好呢?The judge may bind over those who are notoriously troublesome.法官有权命那些出名的捣乱分子具结保证不再闹事。Vandals smashed windows and overturned cars in the downtown shopping district.捣乱分子在市中心的商业区砸烂窗户并掀翻汽车。He's a complete anarchist.他完全就是个捣乱分子。 |