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We give to the Children's Fund every Christmas.我们每年圣诞节向儿童基金会捐款。David, who won first prize in the lottery, has received more than 100 letters from charities asking for money.戴维中了彩票头奖,收到了一百多封慈善机构请求捐款的信。Find out more about ways to give money to cancer research.了解更多为癌症研究捐款的方法。We're collecting money to build a hostel for homeless people - would you like to make a donation?我们在募集资金为无家可归者建一个收容所,你愿意捐款吗?People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children.人们更倾向于捐款帮助儿童。Your donations will be going to a worthy cause.你的捐款将用于一项高尚事业。You might be able to reclaim some of the money you contributed.你也许能够要回你的一些捐款。All the major charities are appealing for funds to help the victims of the disaster.各大慈善机构都在呼吁人们捐款帮助灾民。When businesses heard about the reason for the fund-raiser, they gladly gave us donations.企业听了募捐活动的原因后,都欣然捐款给我们。The foundation depends entirely on voluntary contributions.基金会完全依靠自愿捐款。If you would like to make a credit card donation, ring us now.如果你想用信用卡捐款,现在就给我们打电话。Thousands of people rang in to make a donation.数千人打来电话捐款。Can I put your name down for a donation? 你愿意捐款吗?The collection is in aid of the blind.这笔募集的捐款是用来救济盲人的。The museum is funded solely from voluntary contributions.这家博物馆完全由志愿捐款资助。Her job is to deal with the reception of donations.她的工作是负责接收捐款。We donated to the relief effort for the hurricane victims.我们捐款救济受到飓风侵袭的受害者。Bob gave freely to the fund for victims of the earthquake.鲍伯向地震灾民慷慨捐款。Volunteers have been gathering contributions for the new library.志愿者们一直在为新图书馆收集捐款。Activists are asking donor countries to cut back their contributions to World Bank coffers.行动主义者呼吁各捐赠国削减向世界银行资金储备的捐款金额。Thank you for your donation. It was very generous of you.感谢您的捐款,您真是慷慨大方。Donations must not exceed the limits that are allowed by law.捐款不得超过法律所允许的限额。His office funneled millions of dollars in secret contributions to the re-election campaign.他的办公室将数百万美元秘密捐款集中用于连任竞选活动。They're asking people to give money for a new hospital.他们呼吁人们为新医院捐款。You can help by giving a donation.你可以通过捐款来提供帮助。The charity is asking people to open their wallets and make a donation.慈善组织正在恳请人们打开钱包进行捐款呢。That university has numerous endowments.那所大学有许多的捐款。Please give to our charity.请为我们的慈善事业捐款吧。We're trying to raise money for a new school, and we're hoping that everyone will contribute.我们正在努力为新学校募集资金,希望大家都来捐款。The government has promised to match any private donations to the earthquake fund.政府承诺给地震基金提供与个人捐款等额的资金。A small donation can help make a child's wish come true.一笔小小的捐款就能帮助实现孩子的梦想。In return for his donation, he wanted face time with the President.作为捐款的回报,他想见总统。Count all the contributions actually paid in to date.点一下到现在为止实际收到的全部捐款。Can I put you down for a donation? 捐款要不要算你一个?All donations go towards the cost of warehousing.所有捐款都用作仓储费用。You can of course help by giving them a donation directly.你当然可以通过直接向他们捐款来帮助他们。The money was raised by voluntary contribution.这笔钱是通过自愿捐款募集来的。She subscribes to an environmental action group.她定期捐款给一个环境行动组织。We support the charity by making annual donations.我们每年给这家慈善机构捐款。If you make regular gifts through a covenant, we can reclaim the income tax you have already paid on this money.如果你通过盖印契约定期捐款,我们可以要求返还这笔钱上你已经缴纳的所得税。 |