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词汇 码头
例句 He walked along the wooden pier and climbed down into the boat.他沿著木码头走过去并爬上了船。We rowed past the docks.我们将船划过了码头The loading dock has a ramp.货运码头有一个坡道装置。The shipment of tools arrived at the dock in cargo containers yesterday.昨日,用货物集装箱装载的工具运抵码头The area down by the docks is just a wasteland.码头旁边不过是一片荒地。He pointed his finger to an inlet just to the west of the docks.他用手指指了指紧挨码头西面的一处小湾。The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.市中心临码头地区重建后,该市将能与尼斯或戛纳相媲美。The boat came untied and drifted out of the slip.小船的缆绳松脱,漂离了码头A bus shuttled people from the parking lot to the dock.公共汽车载着人们在停车场和码头间往返。Down at the docks, ships were loading and unloading.下面码头上,船舶正在装货和卸货。Most ships unload at another dock now.现在大多数船只在另一个码头卸货。The pier is always bustling with people.码头上总是人来人往,一片繁忙。Couples walked on/along the pier.情侣们在码头上/沿着码头散步。The thieves then wended their way through the dark back streets to the docks.盗贼们鬼鬼祟祟地穿过黑暗的后街向码头走去。They'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father's boat.他们已经开车沿码头走了一遍,好让她指出哪艘是她父亲的船。We walked her to the wharf and put her aboard the ship.我们陪她走到码头,将她安顿到船上。The pier has a unique little puppet theatre.码头有一个独特的小木偶剧院。Hundreds of small boats clustered round the yacht as she sailed into Southampton docks.当大帆船驶进南安普顿码头时,几百只小船聚集在其周围。Thousands of tons of steel were shipped out from the docks.数千吨的钢铁从码头运走了。The former dock area is ripe for development.这片从前的码头地区可以开发了。The ship came broadside to the dock.船以舷侧靠向码头Work has started on the construction of a container terminal.货柜码头的建设已经动工。The sailors docked the ship.水手们将船停靠在码头He and I were sitting out on his jetty dangling our legs in the water.我和他坐在他的码头上,双腿在水中荡悠。The roads into the docks were closed off by iron gates.通往码头的路被铁门阻隔了。The waves swirled and eddied against the pier.海浪旋起,冲击码头形成旋涡。Waves pounded against the pier.浪涛猛烈地拍击着码头The ship berthed at this pier.那艘船停泊在这个码头The Act was introduced to end restrictive practices in the docks.这项法案的推出是为了终止码头的限制竞争现象。The fishing fleet was nestled among surrounding piers.捕鱼船队停泊在周围码头之间。The ship was berthed at this pier.那艘船停泊在这个码头The docks have outlived their usefulness.这些码头已经没用了。The giant ships maneuvered into their docks.巨轮小心地驶入了码头There was less than a foot's clearance between the ship's sides and the wharf.船舷和码头之间只有不到一英尺的间隙。She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats.她走向码头,想着里卡多可能正藏在其中一条船上。The wind put an end to the pier.大风把码头毁了。The pilot sidled the ship up to the dock.领航员使船斜着靠向码头The narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts.狭窄的码头被数百辆手推车堵得水泄不通。Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。The ocean splashed against the pier.海水哗啦哗啦地拍打着码头




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