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词汇 挪动
例句 The exhibition was great, I could hardly drag myself away.这场展览太精彩了,我无法挪动脚步。She shifted things with the tip of her walking stick.她用手杖尖翻拨挪动东西。It is not possible to reposition the carpet without damaging it.想要挪动地毯又不让它损坏是不可能的。We had to move the furniture to make room for the piano.我们得挪动家具才能腾出地方放钢琴。He used quick footwork to dodge his opponent.他快速挪动步伐躲避对手。He inched the van forward.他一点点向前挪动着货车。Wilson shifted ponderously in his chair.威尔逊在椅子上费力地挪动身子。The cat moved gradually forward.那只猫慢慢地向前挪动The line of people waiting to get on the bus begin to move up a little.等候上公共汽车的队伍开始向前挪动He edged her towards the door.他慢慢地把她往门口挪动They have dragged themselves thither for shelter.他们费力地挪动到那边躲避。Rhys shuffled his feet uncomfortably, trying to think of an excuse to leave.里斯不自在地挪动着双脚,很想找个理由离开。Billy edged along the ledge, trying not to look down.比利在岩架上缓缓挪动,尽量不往下看。She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick.她用手杖尖翻拨挪动东西。Before he could advance another step, the men ran away.他还没来得及再向前挪动一步,那些人就跑开了。He shouted out in pain when the doctor moved his broken ankle.医生挪动他受伤的脚踝时,他疼得大叫起来。It engaged all their strength to budge the stone.他们使出了全部力量来挪动那块石头。I inched forward along the ground.我蹭着地面缓慢向前挪动She eased her bulk into a chair.挪动肥胖的身体,坐进椅子里。She stubbornly refused to move.她固执地拒绝挪动位置。We inched along in heavy traffic.我们在拥挤的车流中挪动She shifted uneasily in her chair.她在椅子里不自在地挪动身子。I had a suspicion that somebody had come in and changed the ornaments on the piano around.我怀疑有人进来挪动了钢琴上面装饰物的位置。The line of fans moved slowly toward the box office.粉丝们排着长队朝售票处挪动I looked over and saw Michael edging towards the door.我看过去,发现迈克尔正慢慢往门口挪动He raised a little higher in the seat.他在椅子里稍稍往上挪动身子。She held fast to the railings and refused to move.她紧紧抓住栏杆不肯挪动Talk about being lazy – she wouldn't move an inch!说到懒啊,她一寸都不愿挪动She scraped her chair backward.她向后挪动椅子,发出刺耳的声响。Mikel stirred sleepily.迈克尔昏昏欲睡地挪动了一下身子。Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child.教室中的桌椅如需要挪动,应事先告诉这个盲童。It was obvious that she was favoring her left leg. 很明显,她在小心翼翼地挪动自己受伤的左腿。Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。I moved crabwise along the edge of the cliff.我侧身沿着悬崖边挪动She moved her legs slowly, as though in pain.她慢慢地挪动双腿,好像很痛。She moved things around so the table was beneath the windows.挪动家具使桌子靠在窗边。




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