例句 |
He frittered away his fortune on gambling.他赌博挥霍掉了全部财产。Much of the money was grossly misspent.大部分的钱都被大笔挥霍掉了。I was earning quite a lot but I pissed it all away.我挣到很多钱但都挥霍掉了。He kissed away a large fortune.他寻花问柳,挥霍掉大笔家产。There was no money to pay the rent. They'd already squandered the little that they had.没有钱付房租了,仅有的一些钱他们也已经挥霍掉了。Howard was a terrible gambler, and had squandered away the family fortune.霍华德是个大赌棍,把全部家产都挥霍掉了。She had a good win at bingo, but blued all her winnings on a night out with all her friends.她玩宾戈游戏赢了不少钱,但一个晚上就和她所有朋友一起挥霍掉了。He had dissipated his family's fortune in only a few years.仅几年的工夫他就挥霍掉了所有家财。 |