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There was a feather on the rock, proclaiming that a bird had been there.岩石上有一根羽毛,说明有鸟到过那儿。I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks.我能看到岩石上有个雕巢。The eddying water made gurgling noises against the rock.水中的漩涡拍打在岩石上,潺潺作响。He scraped his hand on a rock.他在岩石上刮伤了手。Images of strange-looking animals are carved into the rocks.外形奇特的动物图像被刻在岩石上。I came within an inch of losing my life on the rocks below.我差点儿掉在下面的岩石上丢了性命。A rough road had been gouged out of the rock.岩石上凿出了一条崎岖的路。Centuries of erosion by wind have carved grooves in the rocks.经过几个世纪的风化,岩石上出现了一道道沟痕。We heard the sharp crack of a gun and the smack of a bullet striking sparks on a rock.我们听到噼啪一声枪响,子弹啪的一声打在岩石上,火星飞溅。Ken had blunted the blade by scraping it on the rocks.肯在岩石上刮磨刀刃使它变钝。I lay idly on the rocks.我悠闲地躺在岩石上。The church is unsafe because it was built on an overhang.这座教堂不安全,因为它建在一块悬伸的岩石上。Heavy waves dashed the boat against the rock.巨浪使船猛撞在岩石上。The outlines of animals were cut into the rock.动物的外形被刻在岩石上。Water tumbled over the rocks.水从岩石上滚滚流过。The rocks are crusted with lichen.岩石上覆盖着一层地衣。Rescue workers saved a 9-year-old boy who was clinging to rocks after he was swept into the ocean by the tide.营救人员救起了一名九岁男孩,他被潮水冲到海里后紧紧地攀附在岩石上。He made himself as comfortable as the hard rock permitted.他在坚硬的岩石上尽可能坐得舒服些。He fell and grazed his knees on a rock.他摔倒在岩石上,蹭伤了膝盖。Their boat was shattered into matchwood against the rocks and sank instantly.他们的船撞在岩石上裂成了碎片,立刻沉没了。The abalone attached itself to rocks.鲍鱼是附着在岩石上的。The fast-moving water had scoured out a channel in the rock.急流在岩石上冲刷出一道凹槽。The ropes were anchored to the rocks.绳子固定到岩石上。We sat down on a big flat rock.我们在一块平坦的大岩石上坐下。A deep furrow has formed in the rock, where water has run over it for centuries.经过数百年的冲刷,溪水在岩石上刻出了一条深深的沟壑。A narrow stream tumbled over the rocks.一条狭窄的小溪从岩石上滚滚流过。The waterfall cascaded over the rocks and splashed into a pool at the bottom.那瀑布在岩石上倾泻下来,飞溅着落入下面的一个池中。Over the years, the stream had scoured out a round pool in the rock.经年累月,溪水在岩石上冲出了一个圆形水坑。Evan dived off the rock into the sea.埃文从岩石上跳入大海。The old wreck had been smashed to pieces on the island's rocks.那艘失事的旧船在该岛的岩石上撞成了碎片。He chafed his shoes on the rocks.他在岩石上磨坏了鞋子。The castle is founded on solid rock.这座城堡建在坚固的岩石上。The waves dashed the boat against the rocks.海浪猛地把船冲到岩石上。Water had channelled grooves in the rock.水在岩石上冲出了沟槽。The inscriptions on the rock are no longer very distinct.岩石上的铭刻已不再清晰可辨。He scrabbled at the slippery rock.他在滑溜溜的岩石上四处摸索着。A group of grey seals were basking on a rock.一群灰色的海豹躺在岩石上晒太阳。What has caused the striations in this rock?这块岩石上的条纹是怎么产生的呢?The castle perches on a high rock.该城堡坐落在高高的岩石上。Archaeologists were carefully chipping away at the rock.考古学家正小心地在岩石上铲凿。 |