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词汇 live to
例句 My one prayer is that I don't live to be really old.我唯一的祈望就是不要活到真正老得不行了。He lived to a ripe old age.他得享高寿。He lived to a great age. 他活到了很大的年纪。Hopefully, the company will live to fight another day.希望公司能继续经营下去。Few people have made this journey and lived to tell the tale.很少有人能走完这段旅程并活下来向他人讲述其中的故事。I never thought I'd live to see the day when children could take their own parents to court!我从没想到过我会活着看到孩子控告自己的亲生父母。Priests vowed their lives to the service of the church.教士们立誓终生为教会服务。They both lived to a ripe old age.他们两个人都活到了高龄。My father died ten years ago, but he lived to see his first grandson.我的父亲十年前去世了,但是他活到看见了第一个孙子。The Carnegie Hero awards are given to those who risk their lives to save others.卡内基英雄奖是授予那些舍身救人的人的。He was a pastor who trusted in the Lord who lived to preach.作为一名牧师,他相信上帝是用一生去传教的。In broad terms, this means that the closer you live to a school, the more likely it is that your child will get a place there.笼统地说,你住得离某学校越近,你的孩子就越有可能进入该校上学。You're going to have to make some basic changes to your lifestyle if you want to live to a decent age.如果想活到一个像样的岁数,你得对你的生活方式作一些根本的改变。I'm sure he'll live to a ripe old age.我肯定他会高寿的。They dedicated their lives to improving the position of women in a male-dominated society.他们毕生致力于提高女性在男性统治的社会中的地位。The band are not just successful recording artists - they are constantly touring and playing live to sell-out crowds.那支乐队不仅是优秀的录音室艺术家一他们经常巡回演出,为满座的观众现场表演。He was a pastor who trusted in the Lord and who lived to preach.作为一名牧师,他信仰上帝并用他的一生去传教。If you put all your money in this real estate deal, I guarantee you'll live to regret it.你如果把所有的钱都投进这笔房地产交易,我敢肯定你以后会后悔的。Matilda lived to a ripe old age.玛蒂尔达活到很老。I never thought I would live to see the day when gas would cost so much.如今汽油这么贵,我从没想到我能活着看到这一天。Her grandmother lived to 84.她的祖母活到了84岁。They offer up their lives to art and literature.他们把生命献给文学艺术。We'll be going live to Nottingham later in this bulletin.在本次新闻快报中,我们稍后将有来自诺丁汉的现场报道。He may think leaving his wife for the other woman is a good idea, but he'll live to regret it.他可能觉得为了另一个女人而离开妻子是个好主意,但将来他会后悔的。More people now live to extreme old age. ]现在长寿的人更多了。He didn't live to see his daughter grow up, and that's a pity.他没有活到看到女儿长大,真是件憾事。She knew that she would live to regret this decision.她知道自己日后会后悔作出这个决定。I hope I live to see my grandchildren.我希望我能活到看见我孙辈的那一天。You're wasting your time with him and you'll live to regret it.你和他在一起是在浪费时间,总有一天你会后悔的。Now we're going live to our reporter in Washington for up-to-the-minute news on the crisis.现在我们将连线本台驻华盛顿的记者,现场报道关于该危机的最新消息。Falter now and I know we'll live to regret it.现在踌躇不前的话,我知道我们将来会后悔。If you marry him, you'll live to regret it.你要是嫁给他,会后悔一辈子的。Haskell did not live to discover the deception.哈斯克尔至死都没有识破这一骗局。Priests vow their lives to the service of the church.教士们立誓终生为教会服务。They consecrated their lives to the liberation of their motherland.他们把生命献给了祖国的解放事业。Sadly, she didn't live to see her grandchildren.令人伤心的是,她没有活到孙辈出生的那一天。You will live to rue the loss of such a good opportunity.对失去这么好的一次机会你将来总有一天会后悔的。You'll live to rue the day you said that to me, my girl.总有一天你会后悔对我说了那些话的,姑娘。I'm just thankful that my mother never lived to see this.我很庆幸母亲在有生之年没有看到这个。You lived to tell the tale this time but who knows how far you can push your luck.你这次算是逃过了一劫,不过谁知道你的运气还会持续多久呢?




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