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Shading her eyes, Anita scanned the horizon.安妮塔用手挡住阳光,眺望地平线。The soldier blocked the move with his free hand.那位士兵用空着的那只手挡住了这一招式。The huge building across the street blocked our view of the sea.马路对面那幢巨大的楼房挡住了我们看海的视线。Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight.装在窗框上的厚厚的胶合板挡住了白天的光线。His neighbors built a wall that obstructed his view of the ocean.邻居砌了一堵墙,挡住了他看海的视线。The door was blocked; there was something in the way.门打不开,有什么东西挡住了。 Sandbags will hold the flood waters back for a while.沙袋能够将洪水挡住一段时间。He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack.他用一只旧口袋挡住头顶的阳光。Rachel put both her hands up to shield her eyes from the sun.雷切尔举起双手挡住眼睛以避开阳光。He stepped in front of her, barring her way.他走到她前面,挡住了她的去路。A large pole was directly in my line of sight. 一根大柱子直接挡住了我的视线。Heavy curtains blocked out the sunlight.厚厚的窗帘挡住了阳光。The curtains were made of a heavy dark fabric which kept out all draughts and light.这窗帘由厚重的黑色布料做成,把风和阳光完全挡住了。My view was blocked by a tall man in front of me.我的视线被前面的高个男子挡住了。The goalkeeper just managed to save the shot.守门员刚好挡住了这次射门。The lack of a decent education did not defeat Rey.缺乏良好的教育并没有挡住雷伊。Could you move to the left, please. You're blocking my light.你能往左边挪一挪吗?你挡住了我的光线。He stopped in the doorway, blocking her view.他站在门口,挡住了她的视线。Her view of the stage was obstructed by a pillar.一根柱子挡住了她的视线,她看不见舞台。Cover the windows with cardboard.用纸板挡住窗户。A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear.一扇高大的门挡住了通往后面的唯一入口。Would you step out of my way a little?请你挪一挪,别挡住我的道好吗?He stepped in front of me, blocking my escape.他一步跨到我前面,挡住了我逃脱的去路。The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back.警方设置了障碍物来挡住人群。He received the sword-point with his shield.他用盾挡住剑锋。Suddenly the door opened, blocking my forward movement.门突然打开,挡住了我。The snowbank at the side of the road provided a shelter from the piercing wind.路边的雪墙挡住了刺骨的寒风。Their line of sight was blocked by hordes of journalists.他们的视线让大队的记者给挡住了。He covered his ears to shut out the noise.他捂住耳朵,想挡住噪音。I started to move round him, but he blocked my way.我准备绕过他,但他挡住了我。The dam holds back the water.大坝把水挡住。Jane blocked Cross's vision and he could see nothing.简挡住了克罗斯的视线,他什么也看不见。The skyscrapers block our view.摩天大楼挡住了我们的视线。Two men were blocking her exit.两个男人挡住了她的出路。She held her hand out flat, to halt him.她平伸出一只手掌,要挡住他。Something was going on around a bed in the centre of the ward, but it had been curtained off from prying eyes.病房中央的病床周围有事发生,但是一条布帘挡住了众人窥探的眼睛。Police in riot gear held back the demonstrators.配备防暴装备的警察挡住了示威者。A tree had fallen and was blocking our way.一棵树倒下了,挡住了我们的路。Someone was standing in my line of vision so I couldn't see the screen.有人挡住了我的视线,所以我看不到屏幕。I was screened by the cars so no one saw me.我被汽车挡住了,所以没有人看见我。 |