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The mountain rescue team is stepping up its hunt for the missing climbers.高山救援队加紧了寻找失踪登山者的工作。The mountain climbers spent a few days acclimatizing themselves to the high altitude..登山者们花了几天时间让自己适应高海拔环境。The mountain climbers spent a few days acclimatizing to the high altitude.登山者们花了几天时间来适应高海拔环境。The climbers drove metal spikes into the ice.登山者把金属长钉钉进了冰里。When the climbers became trapped by bad weather, a rescue party was sent to their aid. 登山者们因恶劣天气受困时,一支救援队前往救助。Novice climbers will find the trail markings helpful.登山新手会发现路标非常管用。The new private schools cater for the children of social climbers rather than those of the old upper classes.这些新的私立学校投合向上爬的人的孩子所需,而不是老式上流社会孩子的需要。The climbers established a camp at the base of the mountain. = The climbers established a base camp.攀登者们在山脚扎了一个营地。The climbers were roped together for safety. = The climbers were roped together for safety's sake.为了安全,这些登山者用绳索把大家连在一起。The guide admonished the mountain climbers to follow him carefully.向导叫登山者一定要小心翼翼地跟着他前进。They paused to check how the other climbers were getting on.他们停下来看看其他的登山者进展如何。The climbers are a day late returning from the mountain and we are beginning to have fears for their safety.已经晚了一天,登山的人还没有返回,我们开始担心他们的安全。The climbers were linked together by ropes.登山者用绳子连在一起。Some climbers are critical of the ease with which Qomolangma can now be climbed.一些登山者对现在人们不历经艰辛就轻易登上珠穆朗玛峰持批判态度。The climbers nearly died of exposure.那些登山者差点被冻死。The climbers will make another attempt to reach the summit today.今天登山者将尝试再次登顶。The resemblance of the climbers decking the trees to pot plants is no coincidence.装饰在树上的攀缘植物很像盆栽植物,这并非巧合。The climbers had been ill-prepared.登山者准备不足。A cave sheltered the climbers during the storm.山洞为登山者提供了躲避暴风雨的地方。After a short break the climbers continued upgrade.稍事休息后,攀登者们继续往山上走。The climbers failed to reach the summit.登山队员们未能到达山顶。Slowly the two climbers descended the cliff face.那两名登山者慢慢地从崖壁上爬下。The Southwest climb is recommended only for more experienced climbers.西南面的登山线路只推荐给更有经验的登山者。The mountain climbers were outfitted with the latest equipment.登山者用最新的设备装备起来。It took the climbers four hours to reach the summit.攀登者花了四小时到达山顶。The climbers had lost their way in the dark.登山者在黑暗之中走错了路。Two of the climbers died of exposure.两位登山者被冻死。The climbers made a dangerous traverse across the glacier.登山者冒着危险穿过冰川。The climbers completed their ascent to the mountain on a rainy morning in April.登山者在四月一个雨天的早晨登上了那座山。A careless step sent rocks tumbling down on the climbers below.一步不小心便使石头翻滚到了下面的爬山者身上。If the storm continues on the mountain, the climbers will be in distress by morning.如果山上风暴不止,到天亮时登山运动员们将处于危险境地。The climbers were roped together for safety and proceeded cautiously.为安全起见,登山者用绳索相互系在一起小心地前进。Two of the climbers were suffering from exposure.其中两名登山者被冻伤了。Tiredness was the biggest obstacle in the way of their attempt to rescue the climbers.疲劳是他们试图营救登山者的最大障碍。The mountain-climbers clustered together for warmth.登山者聚集取暖。Goats are nimble climbers among the rocks.山羊爬起山来很灵巧。Are you still optimistic that the climbers can be rescued?你还是乐观地认为登山队员可以获救吗?Weak with exhaustion, the climbers were finally lifted to safety.筋疲力尽的登山者最后被用飞机送往安全地带。A blizzard forced the climbers back to the relative safety of their tents.暴风雪迫使登山者返回至相对安全的帐篷里。The injured climbers had only meagre / meager supplies of water and peanuts to live off.受伤的登山者只剩下少量的水和花生赖以生存。 |