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例句 The noise from next door went on and on.隔壁的噪声持续了很长时间。The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.支持这个政党的选民数量持续下降。Fighting continued unabated for several hours.斗殴持续了几个小时而无法阻止。The disease continued to spread until it involved the entire jaw.这种病持续扩散,一直影响到整个下颌。Some of these flood shelters are on raised platforms, which have allowed government helicopters to land amid the continuing floods.其中一些防洪棚搭建在高台上,高台可供政府的直升机在持续的洪水中降落。The disease usually runs its course in a few days. 这种病通常要持续几天才好。They had an on-off relationship that continued for years.他们之间的关系断断续续持续了好几年。A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing.由于持续干旱,有必要对用水实行配给了。The feasting, drinking, dancing, and revelry continued for several days.胡吃海喝、跳舞狂欢持续了好几天。Weathermen yesterday warned that there would be no respite from the gales.气象预报员昨天发出警告,称大风会一直持续The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.破碎的家庭仍旧是对持续分崩离析的社会的有力譬喻。If the pain persists, consult a doctor.如果疼痛持续就去看医生。The games lasted only half the normal time.比赛只持续了通常时间的一半。It has been a while since the economy experienced a deep economic downturn.经济深度下探已经持续了一段时间。The storm persisted for a week.暴风雨持续了一个星期。In Peru, a cholera outbreak continues to spread.秘鲁的霍乱疫情持续蔓延。Salaries will continue to rise in line with inflation.工资将会随着通货膨胀而持续增加。The ongoing violence has prolonged the suffering of our people.持续的暴行拖长了人民的痛苦。Zoe's temper tantrums had increased both in volume and duration.佐伊的脾气发作起来不仅程度更严重,而且时间也持续得更久了。As reports of robberies continued to appear in the press, the whole community was increasingly on edge.有关抢劫的报道持续地见诸报端,整个社会都越来越紧张。His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.他咳嗽持续的时间越来越长,直到咳个不停。Their relationship is of many years' standing.他们的关系已经持续很多年了。He seems to be under relentless pressure at work.他好像是在持续的压力下工作。The ministers expressed dismay at the continued practice of ethnic cleansing.部长们表达了对持续进行的种族清洗的忧虑。The company's stock continues to decline/decrease/drop in value.公司的股价持续下降/减少/降低。It's not a severe pain, more of a persistent niggle.疼痛并不剧烈,而是那种持续、轻微的疼痛。Their fights seldom lasted long, and after every fight they quickly made up.他们之间的争吵很少持续太久,而且每次吵完很快就会和好。Each student has to pursue two sessional courses.每个学生都得修习两门持续一学年的课程。The workers are constantly monitored for exposure to radiation.这些员工接受了持续的受辐射程度监测。Normally, the disease lasts about five days.这种病通常持续大约五天。The demonstration climaxed two weeks of strikes.游行示威将持续了两周的罢工推向了高潮。The siege lasted two years.这次围攻持续了两年。Though the meeting lasted for three hours, it wasn't productive of any important decisions.虽然会议持续了三个小时,却没有作出任何重要的决定。Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human-rights abuses.一些外国政府似乎很乐于搪塞持续发生的侵害人权问题。Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.你的小宝宝将接受持续的心跳监测。Millet continued to grieve for his wife for many years after her death.妻子去世后,米利特的悲痛持续了许多年。The sun beat down relentlessly.太阳持续暴晒。As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.随着总统的声望持续下跌,他们显然开始视他为负累。The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.市场要有活力,就需要持续的变化和调整。Tension continues to mount between the two parties.两党之间的紧张气氛持续加剧。




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