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词汇 拼法
例句 The two words, though phonetically alike, are spelt differently.这两个词尽管读音一样,拼法是不同的。The English and Americans often spell words differently, but both variants are acceptable.英国人和美国人的单词拼写经常不一样,不过两种拼法都可以接受。The dictionary authorizes two spellings for this word.词典认为这个词可有两种拼法To check how a word is spelled, look it up in a dictionary.要确定单词的拼法就查字典。Shakespeare did not always spell his own name the same way.莎士比亚不总是用同样的拼法拼写自己的名字。She quickly gave the correct spelling.她很快就给出了正确的拼法Is this the proper spelling of your name?这是你名字的准确拼法吗?Pupils should know how to spell commonly used words.小学生应该知道常用词的拼法The two words sound the same, but they're spelled differently.这两个词听上去一样,但拼法却不同。In most languages adjectives have slightly different spellings for masculine and feminine.在多数语言中,形容词的阳性和阴性的拼法略为不同。The word can be spelled ten different ways. For consistency's sake, I'm going to use this spelling.这个单词有十种不同拼法,为了保持一致,我将使用这种拼法




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