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例句 The company committed most of its profits to building new factories.公司拨出大部分利润建造新工厂。More money should be allocated for famine relief.拨出更多的钱来赈济饥民。One million dollars was allocated for disaster relief,拨出一百万美元用于救灾。His allowance for food is $100.拨出一百美元用于购买食物。He sets some money apart for a vacation each year.他每年拨出些钱供度假之用。They are demanding more funding for medical facilities.他们要求为医疗设施拨出更多的资金。The government has given extra funding to help tackle illiteracy in the inner cities.政府拨出额外经费来帮助解决旧城区内的文盲问题。Our government made an appropriation for the project.我们的政府为那个工程拨出一笔款项。The Parliament voted more funds to help maintain American forces.议会投票同意拨出更多资金来帮助维持美国军队的开支。They consigned the funds to the anti-poverty program.他们拨出基金用于反贫困计划。Senator Lugar is skeptical that Congress will appropriate more funding for this purpose.参议员卢格怀疑国会是否会拨出更多资金用于此目的。The famine relief money was channelled through the UN.赈济饥荒的款项是通过联合国拨出的。The Parliament voted more funds to help maintain American forces.国会投票同意拨出更多资金来维持美国军队的开支。They've set aside a small area as a children's playground, and staked it off.他们拨出一小块地方作为孩子们的运动场,并立了界桩。




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