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词汇 拥堵
例句 The new road will help to free the city of traffic jams.这条新路将有助于解决城市交通拥堵的问题。We had to fight traffic all the way home.我们不得不在拥堵的车流中穿行回家。He first promised two weeks ago to clear Britain's congested roads.他在两周前首次承诺解决英国道路拥堵的问题。In LA, the trafic on the freeways is always bumper-to-bumper.洛杉矶高速路上的交通总是拥堵,车开开停停的。The traffic starts piling up around this time.差不多这个时候交通就开始拥堵了。Thousands of fans braved rush-hour traffic to see the concert.数千乐迷不顾交通高峰期的拥堵,赶去听音乐会。The roads are always jammed before the match.赛前道路总是非常拥堵We detoured around the heaviest traffic.我们迂回绕过拥堵最严重的路段。As if the crowds aren't bad enough, the parking situation is terrible.仿佛人群的拥堵还不够糟糕似的,停车状况更可怕。We were delayed by the heaviness of the traffic.我们被拥堵的交通耽误了。The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway.爆炸后飞溅出的炸弹碎片洞穿了拥堵在公路上的车辆车身。Traffic still gets congested because of the bridge construction.因为修桥,交通仍然很拥堵It's a tight squeeze, so be careful pulling in.拥堵,所以要小心停靠。Traffic is hellacious this time of day.这会儿交通太拥堵了。Traffic piled up because of the accident.由于车祸交通变得拥堵An accident caused gridlock at rush hour yesterday.一场事故造成了昨天高峰时段的交通大拥堵There was a traffic backup for miles on the road because of the accident.受事故影响,拥堵在路上的车辆长达数英里。There have been unexpected delays on the freeway because of an accident.高速公路上因为一起交通事故突然出现拥堵Traffic was stalled on the overpass.立交桥上车辆拥堵The accident caused a backup on the freeway.事故造成了高速公路的拥堵Traffic banked up for several kilometres after the accident.事故发生之后,车辆拥堵了好几公里。Tempers frayed as thousands of drivers began the Christmas holiday with long waits in traffic jams.圣诞假期一开始就有数千人开着车排成长龙拥堵在道路上,令大家恼火不已。He promised to clear Britain's congested roads.他承诺要疏通英国拥堵的道路。




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