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词汇 拘捕
例句 He's under arrest and may only be seen by his lawyer.他被拘捕了,只有律师可以见他。The accused White House shooter was arrested on Wednesday by Pennsylvania state troopers.被控制造了白宫枪击案的枪手于星期三被宾夕法尼亚州警方拘捕He was arrested and placed under guard. 他被拘捕并被看管起来。The doctor was arrested after she was named as a member of a clandestine socialist movement.这位医生被揭发是一个秘密的社会主义运动的成员后就被拘捕了。He was cheered to learn that his two attackers had been arrested.他高兴地得知,向他行凶的两人已经被拘捕了。Two men fighting over a parking space were arrested earlier today.争夺车位的两名男子今天早些时候被拘捕了。The driver was arrested for having false licence / license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被拘捕The investigation culminated with several arrests.此次调查以多人被拘捕而告终。He was arrested and charged with breach of the peace.他被警方拘捕并以扰乱治安罪起诉。Local people demanded that the police apprehend the miscreants.当地居民要求警方拘捕这些恶棍。Her friend had been arrested by the police.她的朋友被警方拘捕了。He was arrested for threatening behaviour and using abusive language.他因行为带有威胁性并使用辱骂性语言被拘捕They have been arrested as suspected drug traffickers.他们已经作为贩毒嫌疑犯被拘捕The police pulled him in for questioning.警察把他拘捕审问。A "peacenik" in his youth, he was once arrested for praying on the runway of a military air base. 他年轻的时候是一个“反战分子”,曾经因为在军事基地的跑道上祈祷而被拘捕The police have the power of arrest.警方有权拘捕When he refused to give his name, he was taken into custody.他拒绝说出自己的名字,于是就被拘捕了。The carnival got off to a virtually trouble-free start with the police reporting only one arrest.狂欢节开幕进行得几乎是一帆风顺,警方只报告了一例拘捕A man has been arrested, but has not yet been formally charged.一名男子已经被拘捕,但是尚未被正式起诉。He was arrested after trying to sell guns to an undercover FBI agent.他试图向一名联邦密探出售枪支而被拘捕Once again, Drew was under arrest.德鲁再一次被拘捕The police have failed to apprehend the culprits.警方未能拘捕罪犯。In the first week of the police crack-down, over 500 car thieves were arrested.在警方严打运动的头一个星期里,有五百多名盗车贼被拘捕Kenworthy had run him in on a petty charge.肯沃西以一项微不足道的指控为由将他拘捕了。The man they arrested last night has been charged with murder.昨天晚上他们拘捕的那个人被控犯有谋杀罪。Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office.罗林斯已在办公室遭警察拘捕The police had insufficient evidence to arrest him.警方还没有充分的证据来拘捕他。The police force should not evaluate officers’ performance in terms of the number of arrests they make.警方不应以警员拘捕了多少人去评估他们的表现。She was arrested for driving unsafely.她因危险驾驶而被拘捕Being arrested was one of the worst experiences of my life.遭到拘捕是我这一生中最糟糕的经历之一。The police placed/put her under arrest. 警方拘捕了她。He's been arrested on suspicion of murder.他因涉嫌谋杀而被拘捕She told stories about the band's alcoholic binges, their arrests on drug charges, and even about one member's foot fetish.她讲了乐队饮酒作乐的事,讲了他们因为被指控吸毒而遭拘捕的事,甚至还讲到有个成员有恋脚癖。He was pinched for speeding.他因超速驾驶被拘捕He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.他抢劫后即被拘捕He was picked up by police as he was trying to leave the country.他企图出国时被警察拘捕When the police arrived to arrest her, she realized she had been duped.当警察抵达后拘捕她时,她才意识到自己受骗了。You have to leave or else you will be arrested for trespassing.你必须得离开,否则你会因擅自闯入被拘捕The police moved in, arrested him and impounded the cocaine.警察冲进去将他拘捕并没收了可卡因。A man was arrested for trying to enter the actress's Beverly Hills home.一名男子因为企图进入这位女演员在贝弗利山的住宅而遭到拘捕




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