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词汇 担忧
例句 Put your worries on paper and make a plan of action.把你的担忧写下来,然后制订一个行动计划。Washington was last night doing its best to mend fences with the Europeans, saying it understood their concerns.昨晚,华盛顿尽最大努力与欧洲各国修好,称理解其担忧The incident added to growing concern about the extent of terrorist influence in the region.这一事件使人们对该地区恐怖主义影响的严重程度更加担忧The assassination set alarm bells ringing in Washington and European capitals.刺杀事件在华盛顿和欧洲各国首都引发了担忧The first attempt may fail, but we don't care about that.第一次尝试可能会失败, 但是我们并不为此担忧She has one great fear to which she will never give utterance.她心中最大的担忧恐怕一辈子都不会说出来。Her baggy dresses were a compensation for her concern about being overweight.她穿宽松的服装以减轻过肥的担忧They are worried about the oil still in the wreck.他们担忧仍然留在失事船只里的石油。There are anxieties over the effects of unemployment.对于失业后果有种种担忧The government attempted to dial down widespread concern over the current flu outbreak.政府试图减轻人们对当前流感大暴发的广泛担忧He spoke of his fears of the marginalization of Africa.他谈到了对非洲边缘化的担忧There is concern about the rapid deterioration in relations between the two countries.两国关系的迅速恶化引起人们担忧Adam experienced a tiny prick of unease.亚当隐隐感到一丝担忧He pushed aside his fear of rejection and asked her out on a date.他抛开被拒绝的担忧,邀她出来约会。Japan's perplexed bankers need not worry.茫然无措的日本银行家们无需担忧Progress was slow, fueling concerns that the stadium would not be finished on time.进度很慢,加深了人们对体育馆能否按时完工的担忧What's the point of worrying?担忧有什么用呢?Her face clouded with concern.她的脸上满是担忧The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy.消费支出的下降反映出人们对经济的担忧Doctors are concerned about the effects of the drug on maternal health.医生担忧这种药对产妇健康的影响。She is worrying that he doesn't come.她为他没来而担忧Patients who often complain of minor ailments might have something more important on their minds.经常述说患有各种小病痛的人可能在为某种更严重的病而担忧A good night out will help you take your mind off exams.出去过一个愉快的夜晚将使你不再为考试担忧He was alarmed lest she should find out.他很担忧,唯恐她会发现真相。We'll worry about the rights and wrongs of the situation in the morning.我们会为明天早晨局势的好坏而担忧Whenever I mention finances, he just waves aside my concerns.每当我提到资金时,他总对我的担忧置之不理。There is a general gloom about the farming industry.对农业存在着普遍的担忧This is a problem that haunts all of us.这是一个使我们大家都担忧不止的问题。We can but pray that our worst fears will prove unfounded.我们只能祈祷我们最大的担忧是毫无根据的。The government is trying to allay/alleviate/ease fears of a recession.政府正努力减轻人们对经济衰退的担忧The economy is one of our main concerns. 经济是我们最担忧的事情之一。Abigail's mother Linda views her daughter's talent with a mixture of pride and worry.阿比盖尔的母亲琳达带着一种又骄傲又担忧的复杂情绪看待女儿的才华。Vera is fretting about her sick children.薇拉正在担忧着她生病的孩子们。I have to try not to brood too much.我得尽量不要太担忧She is alarmed that he should get the post.他竟然得了那个职位,她对此不胜担忧His parents were worried by his increasingly irrational behaviour.他的父母因他的行为越来越乖僻而担忧There was a worried look on her normally placid face.她一向平和的脸上露出了担忧的神情。She expressed her deep concern about conditions at the factory.她对工厂的状况表示极为担忧Wallowing in angst about the unfairness of it all will just make the problem worse.一味地担忧此事不公只会使问题变得更糟。The attack confirmed her worst fears about the neighborhood.袭击的发生证明她对街区最大的担忧是有道理的。




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