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例句 This is all slightly tongue-in-cheek, I'd like to make that clear…这一切都有些缺少诚意,我想清楚地指出这点。I don't intend to make the same mistake again.我可不想再犯同样的错误。The Web site allows consumers to make direct comparisons between competing products.在这个网站上消费者可以对同类产品进行直接比对。This is just emotional blackmail to make mothers feel guilty for going to work.让母亲因为出去工作而产生罪恶感实在是情感勒索。Shakespeare's plays are often elaborately annotated to make them easier to understand.莎士比亚剧本往往注释详尽,便于理解。Dip stale bread in egg and milk and fry it in butter to make French Toast.将不新鲜的面包蘸上鸡蛋和牛奶放在黄油中煎,这样就做成了法式吐司。It is within the jurisdiction of the state to make such laws.这个州有权制定此类法律。You must have belief in yourself if you want to make it as an actor.如果你要成为名演员,就一定要相信自己。I had to look twice and cross-check with another file to make sure I hadn't misread it.我得检查两遍,并且还要根据另一份文件来反复核对以确保我没有误读。Please feel free to make suggestions.请随便提建议,不要拘束。If things start going badly again, our members are sure to make noises.如果事态再次恶化,我们的成员肯定会抱怨。Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.把文章缩短一些,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中。He's putting pressure on me to make a decision.他在对我施加压力,逼我作出决定。What emboldens him to make the attempt?什么东西使他有胆量去作此尝试?He knew he had to make a choice. 他知道他必须做出选择。Brian drove faster than he normally did, trying to make up for lost time.布赖恩比平时开得更快,尽力把时间赶上来。She rebuffed all my attempts to make things up between us, till eventually my patience snapped.她断然拒绝我想与之和好的一切努力,到最后我突然失去了耐心。We had to make an emergency landing.我们那时只好进行紧急降落。Use extra stuffing to make the cushions firmer.再添些填充料让垫子硬一点儿。You will need to make an extra effort to soothe their wounded feelings.你需要付出额外的努力来安抚他们受伤的情感。The back of the bench folds forward to make a table.长凳的靠背可以向前翻折成一张桌子。He could not bring himself to apologise. Instead, he tried to make a joke of it.他难以开口道歉,倒想拿这件事情开个玩笑蒙混过去。I've managed to make contact with most of the people on the list.我设法与名单上的大多数人联系上了。We're ready and willing to make the trip.我们很乐意进行这次旅行。Your job will be to make up the customer's orders.你的工作就是按订户的订单配齐货物。He's been working with a vengeance over the past few weeks to make up for lost time.几周以来他玩儿命工作以弥补失去的时间。We need to make the working day more flexible.我们需要更灵活地安排工作日。The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbour to make repairs.那艘损坏的船在海岛沿岸航行,找寻港口进行修理。I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to make it on Sunday after all.我非常抱歉,我星期天还是不行。He stayed me to make a hit.他鼓励我去取得令人目眩的成功。She tried to make me look silly. She did it out of sheer nastiness.她想让我出丑,这么做完全是出于恶意。I decided to make my getaway as soon as I got the chance.我决定只要有机会就逃离世事的烦恼。Each state had the power to make its own laws.各州有权自己制定法律。Make sure to make backup copies of all your data.确保所有数据都做了备份。The events of his life concurred to make him what he was.他生活上的一些事件凑在一起使他变成这个样子。Gather round! I have an important announcement to make.大家围拢来!我有重要事情要宣布。She is in constant demand to make public appearances and give interviews.她不断地被邀约公开亮相,接受采访。Don't forget to make the bed. 别忘了把床铺整理好。A lead from an informer enabled the police to make several arrests.根据告密者提供的线索,警察逮捕了几个人。Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.为了便于复习,学生应该记笔记。




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