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词汇 抬起头
例句 She looked up from her book and smiled at him.她暂停看书,抬起头朝他笑了笑。She looked up; her mouth was tremulous.抬起头,嘴唇在微微抽搐。Every so often, Frank looked up at me and smiled.埃夫里偶尔抬起头朝我笑笑。The horse lifted its head and flicked its ears.抬起头,抖了抖耳朵。The boys gazed up at him in rapture.男孩们抬起头,欣喜若狂地看着他。The child looked up at him, transfixed.那孩子抬起头,呆呆地看着他。When he came to and raised his head he saw Barney.他苏醒过来,抬起头,看见了巴尼。Sarah looked up at me suspiciously.萨拉抬起头满脸疑惑地打量着我。Nicholas looked up, grinned, then returned to his newspaper.尼古拉斯抬起头,咧嘴笑了笑,然后继续看他的报纸。She looked up at me sharply, clearly nettled by the interruption.抬起头狠狠地瞪着我,显然是被我插话打断她的举动激怒了。The little dog looked up and cocked its ears.小狗抬起头竖着耳朵听。He looked up, and she quickly averted her gaze.抬起头,她就迅速转过眼睛看别处了。He raised his head and looked around.抬起头四下张望。She looked up and nodded for me to come in.抬起头,点头示意让我进来。I looked up angrily at my brother.抬起头气冲冲地看着我弟弟。She looked up at me significantly, raising an eyebrow.抬起头,眉毛扬起,意味深长地看着我。The animal raised its head, suddenly alert.那只动物抬起头,突然警觉起来。Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.抬起头注视着他的眼睛,好像听懂了他说的一切。Mitch came up, his eyes riveted on the girl's face.米奇抬起头,眼睛直直地盯着女孩的脸。He paused and cocked his head as if listening.他停下来,抬起头,好像在听动静。She looked up to see what all the hullabaloo was about.抬起头想看看发生了什么事这么吵闹。The dog lifted its head, listening.那条狗抬起头,竖耳倾听。Keep your head up, and look around you from time to time.抬起头,不时看看四周。I looked up, only to see Tommy chatting to someone.抬起头,只看见汤米在跟人聊天。We looked up and saw a helicopter hovering directly above us.我们抬起头,看到一架直升机就在我们头顶上盘旋。




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