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I am trying to decide if it's warm enough for swimming.我正在判断,看够不够暖和,是否可以游泳。You'll be warm enough without a jacket.不穿夹克也够暖和。It was warm enough for us to sit outside.天足够暖和了,我们可以坐在外面。The cottage was warm enough with the fire banked up and the curtains drawn.封上炉火并拉上窗帘,小屋也足够暖和。When it was warm enough, the children soused into the swimming pool.当天气够暖和时,孩子们就投入到游泳池中。You won't be warm enough in that flimsy dress.你穿那么薄的衣服不够暖和。It's warm enough here in London. A little too warm, if anything.伦敦够暖和,其实是太暖和了。Are you sure you'll be warm enough dressed like that?你肯定穿这些衣服够暖和吗?It's warm enough to eat outdoors tonight.今晚够暖和,可以在户外用餐。 |