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词汇 抬头
例句 They gazed up at the vault of the cathedral.他们抬头凝视着这座大教堂的拱顶。We must be ever vigilant. Don't think that Fascism can never rise again. It can.我们必须随时保持警惕。不要以为法西斯主义不会再抬头,它可能会的。You need to reverse the paper in the printer so that the letterhead is up.你需要把打印机里的纸倒过来,这样抬头就会在上面了。The letter had been written on university letterhead.这封信是用印有大学抬头的信纸写的。Shall I make the cheque out to you?支票抬头写你的名字吗?I looked up, and saw a dog trotting along the sidewalk toward me.抬头一看,看见一条狗在人行道上向我小跑过来。She gazed up at the tall buildings in wonder.她惊异地抬头仰望着这些高楼大厦。He gazed up at the pale yellow disk of the moon.抬头凝视着淡黄色的圆月。He walked out into the middle of the road, looking up at the heavens.他走出去站在大路中间,抬头仰望着天空。Conservatism was in the ascendant then.那时保守主义正在抬头He looked up at her in surprise.他惊奇地抬头望着她。She turned her face upwards to the sun.抬头面向正午的太阳。She gazed up at him, glowing with happiness.抬头望着他,脸上洋溢着幸福。For future reference, could you use the headed paper for any correspondence that leaves this office?以后要记住,从这个办公室发出去的信都要用带有抬头的信纸。The rise of nationalism could threaten the stability of Europe.民族主义的抬头可能会威胁到欧洲的稳定。She gazed up at him, blinking once or twice, apparently surprised at his cleverness.抬头注视着他,偶尔才眨一下眼睛,显然对他的聪明才智颇为惊讶。Now there were only the stars overhead.现在抬头只能看见星星。He looks to his left, up at the screen, then to his right.他朝左边看了看,抬头望向屏幕,然后又看了看右边。Kicking and gurgling, his little brother looked up.他弟弟踢着脚,咯咯笑着,抬头向上看。I looked up to see the car bearing down on me.我一抬头,看见那辆汽车正向我冲过来。They sent her a letter printed on company letterhead.他们寄给她一封印有公司抬头的信函。Racism once again reared its ugly head during the election campaign.在竞选活动中丑恶的种族主义再次抬头Xenophobic nationalism is on the rise in some West European countries.一些西欧国家的恐外民族主义正在抬头When Ferris looked up he fancied that he saw a shadow pass close to the window.费里斯抬头向上看,感觉看见一个影子在窗子近旁经过。He dropped/lifted his gaze. 他低头/抬头凝视。The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority.种族主义的抬头让锡克教徒很担忧,因为他们是力量非常薄弱的少数群体。She looked up at me sharply when I said that.我说这话的时候,她抬头狠狠地瞪着我。I looked up and what should I see but a hummingbird hovering over my head.抬头,竟然看到一只蜂鸟在我头上盘旋。Sometimes a game's HUD can be distracting.有时候游戏的抬头显示部分会扰乱注意力。At that moment she happened to glance up.那时她碰巧抬头瞥了一眼。Once again, racist attacks are increasing across Europe.种族主义攻势在整个欧洲又开始抬头She didn't look up or react in any way.她既不抬头,也没有任何反应。Due to the escalation of environmental consciousness, green consumerism is fast on the rise.由于环保意识抬头,绿色消费主义乃大行其道。These ideas resurfaced again in the American civil rights movement.这些观念在美国民权运动中重新抬头She glanced up at him.抬头瞥了他一眼。She looked up as a plane roared overhead.一架飞机轰鸣着掠过她的头顶,她抬头张望。The scourge of racial tyranny should never again be allowed to raise its ugly head.永远不能让种族主义暴政的祸患重新抬头He gazes up at the enormous vault of the sky.抬头凝视着广袤的天穹。Sara kneeled next to her son, gazing intently up at him as he spoke.萨拉跪在儿子旁边,抬头注视着他,听他说话。She twisted slightly in her chair to look up at him.她在椅子里略转过身抬头朝他望去。




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