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Smiling and outwardly relaxed, the President said the missiles could not be pinpointed.总统一边微笑着显出轻松的样子,一边说那些导弹的位置不可能被精确地测定。The ship's running lights pinpointed the dark.船上的探照灯刺破黑暗。He pinpointed the city on the map.他在地图上找出了这座城市的精确位置。Stress at work was pinpointed as the cause of his illness.工作压力被确定为他生病的原因。Authorities say they have pinpointed the location of the sunken ship.当局宣称已确定了沉船的位置。The ships' running lights pinpointed the dark.船上的探照灯刺破黑暗。Computers pinpointed where the shells were coming from.计算机确定了炮弹发射的位置。 |