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词汇 报纸上
例句 We use a computer program that can concordance newspaper texts.我们有一套电脑程序,可以给新闻报纸上的文章制作字母索引。The satirical cartoons were first published in a Danish newspaper last year.这些讽刺漫画首先刊登在去年的一份丹麦报纸上Dissenting voices at the newspaper are very rare.报纸上鲜有登载不同的意见。The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge.这些发表在旧金山报纸上的文章都出自一个化名为多萝西·道奇的人之手。You can put your own small ads in local papers.你可以在当地报纸上刊登分类广告。Newspaper ads can be helpful in finding the lender with the most favourable interest rates.报纸上的广告可以帮助你找到利率最优惠的贷款人。They enjoyed reading the funnies in the Sunday newspapers.他们喜欢读周日报纸上的连环画。The interview was published in all the papers.这次采访在所有报纸上都发表了。They announced the death of their mother in the local paper.他们在一家当地报纸上刊登了母亲去世的讣告。Newspaper reports give a rather confused picture of the state of the economy.报纸上描述的经济局面错综复杂,难以理解。It says in the paper that they're getting divorced.报纸上说他们要离婚了。We would never have visited the town but for the newspaper article about local artists.要不是读到报纸上介绍当地艺术家的文章,我们才不会游览这个小镇呢。The proceedings were published in the newspapers.报纸上刊登了这次会议记录。Later that year, the substance of their secret conversation appeared in a newspaper article.那年稍后,他们这次秘密谈话的要点出现在报纸上的一篇文章中。You'll read about it in tomorrow's papers.你会在明天的报纸上看到的。Newspapers were saturated with stories about the election.报纸上到处都是关于选举的报道。But it wasn't until I saw the photograph in the paper that everything clicked into place.可是直到我看见报纸上的照片,一切才豁然开朗。He has been asked to withdraw remarks he made in a national newspaper about the honesty of the president.他被要求收回在一家全国性报纸上质疑总统诚信的那些话。Newspapers have been fulsome in their praise of the former president.报纸上对前总统都是些溢美之词。They ran/published a correction in today's paper. 他们在今天的报纸上刊登了一条更正信息。The initial stimulus came from a letter in the newspaper.一切最初是由报纸上的一封信引发的。His picture is in today's paper.他的照片刊登在今天的报纸上There's good arts coverage in the newspaper, but not much political commentary.报纸上有很多艺术方面的报道,可是政治时事述评却不多。The ad was run in yesterday's newspaper.这则广告刊登在昨天的报纸上Asmus became friendly with a number of writers and appeared in print as a literary critic.阿斯穆斯同很多作家交好,还作为一名文学批评家出现在报纸上The newspaper article was intended as a salvo against the mayor's policies.报纸上的那篇文章旨在严厉抨击市长的政策。Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around.附近的孩子们从报纸上剪下他的照片,到哪儿都带着。The newspaper story was mendacious and hurtful.报纸上的这个报道是捏造的,很伤人感情。The ad in the newspaper read "Have English language skills, will travel".报纸上的广告说“英语技能助你旅行”。The print in newspapers is smaller than in books.报纸上的印刷字体比书本上的小。We've received a lot of anti letters about that newspaper article.我们收到了很多信,都表明反对报纸上的那篇文章。The newspaper article characterizes the people of the town as poor and uneducated.报纸上的那篇文章把小镇居民描绘成一群贫穷且缺少教养的人。The newspapers are full of stories about the continuing row over private education.报纸上全是有关这场持续的私立教育之争的报道。You shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers.你不应该尽信报纸上所说的事。He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across.他拿出他们当地报纸上的半页广告来说明他的观点。The paper ran our advert last week.这份报纸上星期登了我们的广告。The newspaper article is part of a carefully orchestrated campaign to persuade people to stop smoking.报纸上的这篇文章是一场为了规劝人们戒烟而精心计划的运动的一部分。The claim appeared in banner headlines in all Baghdad newspapers yesterday.这一声明以通栏大标题的形式出现在昨天巴格达所有的报纸上The newspaper article touched a raw nerve - people still resent the closure of the local school.报纸上的文章触到了人们的痛处——人们仍然对关闭当地学校一事愤愤不平。According to the newspaper the negotiations are proceeding smoothly.报纸上说谈判进展顺利。




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